Reviews for The 13th Date
lee.111 chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
Nice fic. I wish you wrote more about this unaltered timeline its something very few people do.
keep up the good work.
battlevalkyrie chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
Excellent! There aren't many m rated docs for c/7 that I know of, Ireally enjoyed this one and I thought you explained the captain and chakotays relationship very well. She did talk to that monkey a but more, lol.
bellislefan chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
that was great. hope you do another one
mabb5 chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
well done
EMcKinney chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
I loved it! It seemed very true to their characters and the conversations were definitely ones that would have had to happen. Thanks for writing!
jedevo chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
I really enjoyed this one-shot, especially how you kept the characters and their relationships true to the series. I'm all for the occasional AU, but I guess I prefer when there's not a total departure of basic character personalities. I think too many stories make Janeway the villain and turn her relationship with Chakotay into a much more contentious one that I ever saw on the series. I like how you dealt with it here, even in this short story-trying to spell out what was subtly done in the show, which is definitely difficult to pull off. It was also well written and free of awful grammar, which always makes everything much easier and more pleasant to read. Very much looking forward to future stories!
Sweetdeath04 chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Wow! Just wow! Okay, I'm going to start at the beginning and go though all I love about this fic!

1. The cynical side of Chakotay's brain! Poor boy! He's really trying (and failing) not to get his hopes up, isn't he?
2. Seven's dress- Yay! It's nice to see her starting to be a bit more open with the extent of her implants.
3. Chakotay offering to cook and his whole spiel about B'Elanna and Janeway's cooking! But water does not always boil. It can burn. My Home Economics teacher at school was completely baffled by this, but it can happen. I have proven it!
4. Unimatrix Zero. Seven's words, "she didn't know me." Wow. Just wow. And Seven explaining how her life on Voyager didn't seem real anymore. Just wow! I mean, how deep can you get? I could go on for hours about why exactly I love this so much! Because it does describe the whole Unimatrix Zero thing so well. Perfect. Utterly perfect.
5. Chakotay's recollection of Janeway saying that Seven in Unimatrix Zero was like meeting the girl who never had a chance. For the same reasons as above.
6. The 'love you''s. *squee*
7. The end. The end was spectacular.
8. Every other word not mentioned.

Whew! I think that's covered it! Brilliant work! Just fantastic!

NikkiB1973 chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Hey honey,
aww this was a lovely story. I loved the honesty between Chakotay and Seven as they opened up about their past relationships. I thought you did a wonderful job of writing the romantic interludes between their revealing conversations. It showed the love and tenderness between them.
It was interesting to hear Chakotay's side of the story about his relationship with Janeway, the part about her talking more to her pet monkey when they were both stranded together made me smile! ;)
This was a wonderful one-shot honey I really enjoyed it!
Thanks for writing!
Nikki :)
TV appreciator chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
I enjoyed this one-shot sci-fi. I'm looking forward to more updates. Thanks! :-)
Teal06 chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Very well done...beautiful writing and description. I'm a 'get married first' kinda gal-but I think this was accurate and true to their universe. :)
Jedi Master Misty Sman-Esay chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Thirteen being unlucky is just stupid superstitious nonsense.

Just watch; something back is going to happen now.

You did great!

I don't know if the M rating is too much simply because the ones I read seem to have more stuff; imagery for the most part