Reviews for Top of the World
misachin chapter 30 . 7/29/2017
you really got it wrong ne,
I'm sure I read more dj that they're in the same line of year and that makes Shizuo older than Izaya.
please don't me people believe on your nonsense zzz
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 17 . 7/21/2017
Last chapter wouldn't le me post this.


Isn't black cats a good luck symbol in asian countries? *Ponders*
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 32 . 7/13/2017
You should write a sequel! And tell me when you do! *Grins*
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 31 . 7/13/2017
Every time I read about Seji and his girl, I keep thinking about him walking around with her (badly) cut off head and a disturbing grin... *Chuckles* Ah... Survival of the Doomed may be my favorite Shizaya fic ever, but you're a close second.
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 30 . 7/13/2017
I'm surpriced Izaya hasn't noticed...or remembered perhaps... that his beloved humans tend to have the girlfriend call her bf with -chan. *Chuckles*
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 26 . 7/13/2017
Why would they fall off tho? The carts in a fenris wheel adjust like swings to gravity, and they are exceedingly slow... I find it hard to believe that Izaya and Shizuo lack the balance to stay there, especially when sitting down.
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 16 . 7/13/2017
Rio is so ungratful! Izaya not only saved her life, but he also helped her apriciate it. If he hadn't played with her she would either still be depressed and wishing to die, or she'd be dead. Really... Humans do not apriciate the things he does for them. *Shakes my head sadly*

Not that he isn't compleatly evil when he feels like it tho. *Chuckles* I don't think Izaya is evil or good. He dies whatever he feels like, unburdened by social convention. And he helps people just as much as he destroys them, or rather... he helps them BY destroying their lifes.

Aaaanyway... I wanted to say I love your story!
You are really good at writng Shizaya, getting them both in-character and keep the dynamic between them perfectly. *Grins*
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 1 . 7/12/2017
Oooh, you were the one who wrote this story too? I LOVE this story! *Laughs*
random ppl chapter 32 . 6/11/2017
This. Was. Awesome. As fvck. Thank you so so much for writing this, i love it so much!
Guest chapter 32 . 1/7/2017
Awww, that was a really sweet story, especially liked the idea of getting everyone involved (and hotpot, that freaking hotpot! :D). Can't believe I went through all of it so fast, enjoyed every chapter. Embarrassed Izaya is best. 3
Guest chapter 19 . 12/17/2016
Do you believe coincidences are just coincidence? Or do they happen for a reason? Durarara has reminded us they we are all connected, right?
guest07 chapter 32 . 9/18/2016
Once again, thank you so much for writing this story! The ending was so fitting, and much unique; i have enjoyed this wonderful story! Especially the night, and gosh their date outfits are certainly unexpected (for me). Anyway, thank you for writing this!
guest07 chapter 18 . 9/18/2016
When i read this non-official chapter i / d/ because your writing is absolutely fantastic! I'm sooooooooo glued to this story right now! I've not read finish, as you can tell, but i really adore your wrting style; its easy to comprehen and extremely detailed, it's like watching a movie in my head. Really, thank you so much for continuing to write this masterpiece!
Haruhi's Rose chapter 32 . 6/1/2016
So... it seems that I now have a new favorite fanfic author (that would be YOU!) :D I've been reading this incredible labor of love for the past couple of months sometimes getting sidetracked by one-shots and other shorter fics, but always coming back and with great joy, but a heavy heart I finished it this morning! I can't even think of enough words to describe it but breathtaking, incredible, amazing, hilarious, and adorable all come to mind! If only you could be named the official writer for Durarara! and everything you wrote could be canon *swoon*! :D
I don't think I can fully express how AWESOME this story was! I laughed so much and had the best time reading it! I also LOVE that you had so many of the characters in it. Shizuo and Izaya are the best of course, but the magic truly happens when the crazy cast of characters all come together! Your dialogue was absolute perfection as well! Everything was so spot-on, it was incredible! I had figured out the birthday surprise element after a few chapters and was so excited when the big reveal moment came in the story! I was like, "I knew it!", Yeah! How perfect was it that you finished this on Shizu-Chan's birthday as well?! I love it!
I've been in love with this anime for nearly a year and Shizaya it totally my OTP! I just have to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU (a million times over!) for your amazing writing and for not giving up on this story or this fandom (Trust Me, you were born to write Shizaya! (Oooh and that's also my favorite Drrr! song as well) :P You've got me totally bouncing off the walls right now and fangirling Erika Karisawa style, but I'm SO excited to read your other stories and so happy that you are still writing in this fandom. Also THANK YOU for NOT being normal and giving us this incredible gift instead of a one shot birthday fic! :P :D
Popme35 chapter 4 . 5/11/2016
What I find funny is that Umareshi Midori has dyed red hair when i think Midori means green
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