Reviews for Apostate
krittur chapter 9 . 5/9/2018
Sooo, I know it's been three years, but if you're still among the living could you finish this story please? There aren't a lot of stories of this quality for us Fenrill shippers out there, and I really need to have Fenris break Merrill out of the Circle, each with their new understanding of each other's experiences, Merrill as a captive with little choice in her actions (as evidenced by the Templar who took advantage of her) and Fenris having seen and understood the horrors and fear that mages live in constantly.

I'm sorry, I just... I really need them to have a happy ending. So many Fenrill stores are focused around hate and disdain, and I really feel that Merrill would be able to soften up Fenris's hard places, and he would be able to show her how to find strength in herself, instead of relying so much on a 'lost past' for her self worth.

I just really would like to see this story concluded, if not this series.
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 9 . 2/23/2018
Ha ha, it seems that the future of clan Lavellan is sitting on Fenris’ shoulders. I have really enjoyed the story so far and can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next. Is there any chance for this to be continued?
Great work with everything!
sarsaparillia chapter 9 . 2/19/2016
so i'm just gonna be over here. crying. and like, i know it's been ages since you've updated, and hey, i know, i get it! but oh holy god, please do not leave it like this. please do not leave me hanging like this, it is cruel and unusual punishment when there are SO FEW good fics oh my god PLEASE? i will not survive not knowing if these two kids don't get a happy ending, i will literally not survive.

also, uh, thanks for the heads up about the non-con scene. just. yeah. thanks.

and hey, even if you decide not to finish this, i want you to know that you're a really engaging writer who knows how to tell a story. and also to say thanks, because i really don't often find fic that i enjoy. so. 3

matcha chapter 9 . 12/29/2015
After binge-reading "Witch" and blowing through this fic, I have to say both fics are beautifully done and I'm desperately hoping there's an update on the horizon for this story! Lavellan! I'm beside myself with joy. The back and forth, Fenris and Merrill's very tenuous trust and ahh, just everything, it's exactly what I pictured when I started wondering about this pairing. I hope I see this series bridging the gap between DA2 and Inquisition, if possible. Everything about your writing is so intriguing and promising!
Selvira chapter 9 . 5/19/2015
A clan-mate of our Dalish Inquisitor! She won't be sent away like Minaeve was, will she? I truly hope things go well for Fenris and Merrill. I'm glad this story hasn't been abandoned!
DragonsDeadAndDancing chapter 9 . 5/19/2015
Glad to be of service!
Cute twists and turns in this chapter, and I sincerely hope Fenris has learned from this experience. Or will at least try to snog Merrill's face off the next time they see each other. I'd be happy with either. Or both...?
Guest chapter 8 . 5/17/2015
I love this fic so much. Words can not describe.
DragonsDeadAndDancing chapter 8 . 5/4/2015
Argh! Should you ever read this, do the world and me a favour and update this masterpiece after you've left at a cliffhanger!
DragonsDeadAndDancing chapter 5 . 5/4/2015
Shoo, Evan. Merrill belongs to Fenris. Go back to torture mages and leave Daisy in peace. You don't deserve her.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/11/2015
Will you continue soon? Im dying to know how fenris n merrill will get back together. Oh please let them..
Random Rockets chapter 8 . 1/20/2015
Man this has been intense, keep it up!
priestessofeternity chapter 8 . 11/8/2014
Great update!
Maeve's Child chapter 8 . 10/7/2014
I was very happy to see this update in my inbox. Read this ages ago, but forgot to favorite it until just this week. I feel like I was rewarded to taking the time to look it up again. I love this story. Its so unexpected but very in character for both of them. I can't wait to see where this ends up.
flooding-rivers chapter 7 . 11/24/2013
I hope there's more
bengalaas chapter 7 . 9/1/2013
Wooooow. I'm so sorry for the two of them, and even for Evan and his thickness. I still refuse to think he's that bad, rather that he's a bit corrupted by power and a bit dense when it comes to actual relationships. An explosive mix of bad luck for Merrill.
And the two elves... They're so unhappy and damaged. If Merrill thought about it now, maybe she would understand what Fenris previously said, about wishing to please and "make the master happy". That was pretty much her own line of thinking when Evan pushed her. And I can't blame her for backing away from Fenris, because they're both so hurt at the moment that I don't know how they are ever going to pick up the pieces, if they ever will. They can't help each other at this point, they're too raw and pained and unstable :(
Updated 31 March - pleeease tell me you haven't abandoned this story?
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