Reviews for Elements of Perfection
uirie chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
SUPER VERY WELL WRITTEN! Your Sherlock is just perfectly spot-on! Thank you for this lovely story :)
wereworldsurvivor chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
Great story :)
Julie chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
I am re reading some older fan fictions and I really love this! Sherlock's haste to leave the meeting was hilarious! If you haven't moved onto other fandom s please write another!
Mislav chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
This is one of the best Elementary fanfictions I've ever read. A great description of Sherlock's deduction skills and portrayal of the other addicts on the meeting. I can see him having feelings for Joan for quite some time, maybe without even knowing it, and then just spontaneously confessing them. I like how he sort of told her how he felt. My favorite parts were: "Sherlock slowed his breathing, measuring each inhalation and short exhale in metered increments of practiced restraint; allowing his intense blue eyes to shut, while willing his heart to relax its rhythm.

Ah, there it was.

The tunnel of effervescent light that started his journey, lazily swirling, piercing the blackness of his mind, as images floated, fuzzy at first and then more clear.

Flashing now a strobe, he analyzed the first identifiable objects presented to him.

A gentle curve, like the slight one found descending from a cinched waistline towards the flare of the iliac crest. Definitely a woman's hip. Quite lovely in fact.

A sway, or waterfall, of thick shiny ebony tresses, like a curtain protecting, barely touching. Again, a woman's backside.

The citrine pallor of skin tone, being an exotic birthright, and rightly so. Seemed just within reach and palpable; soft and warm, a blessed sanctuary, of this he had no doubt.

Included in his mind's collage, were now two almond shaped gentle brown eyes, a row of well calcified and enameled teeth, and the insufferable tempest of a mouth slightly parted in mid sigh; lips moist and swollen from ravishment.

"Damn it," Sherlock burst out, standing up out of his chair in aggression, effectively ceasing the current speaker."
""Well, yeah, every girl wants to feel pretty sometimes." She said, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets as they walked, being thankful the rain had let up.

Sherlock stopped abruptly again and faced her beside him. "But Watson, that's inconceivable."

"Come again?"

She'd lost all pleasant airs about her, thinking quite possibly he had just insulted her.

Joan realized, all too soon, how mistaken she really was.

Sherlock gazed at her, his usual scowl softening; timidly reaching over to touch her face, deciding instead to only tuck away a stray wisp of her hair behind an ear.

"Silly girl," he murmured tenderly, leaning in closer, his breath tickling across her skin, making her swallow a lump she didn't know she had in her throat, "To me… you are the embodiment of perfection all the time.""
nk chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
long-live-HP-PJ-HG chapter 1 . 11/3/2014
Can you do a sequel where the next meeting everyone is like "Sooooo...what happened?"
audiblyausten chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
Aw! Sherlock's "To are the embodiment of perfection all the time" was the best part. By far. I really loved that he ended up venting and gaining help from his fellow addicts - highly amusing! I loved this!
songsaboutsleep chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
Read this again, I had to. It's utterly perfect. Please write more.
Ireallysuck chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
awww sherlock and joanie! lol how can u change the subject of a meeting like that? they were just awesome!

Hailey-Stone chapter 1 . 8/8/2013

.:Hailey-Stone, yo:.
Forever Day chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
There was something about the idea of a group of addicts in varying states of disarray all advising Sherlock Holmes on his love life that I really liked. Add to that the fact that it's well written and has a hilarious ending where he ushers her out and you've got all the ingredients of a great story. So, basically, I really enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to write it (and if you wrote a sequel with the group meeting them as a couple... just saying, I would love you)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
Adorable. And you got their voices spot on, especially Holmes's.
RipplesOfAqua chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
That was adorable :)

One thing though: the cerebellum is the primitive part of the brain responsible for, essentially, coordination and movement. I'm not sure what the imaginative' part would be, because imagination doesn't reside in one place, except perhaps the frontal lobe which is responsible for a lot of l
Samantha P chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
This was a wonderful story! You have a great talent with the voice of the characters and keeping it in their perspective. I enjoyed reading this very much!
ya-fic chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
Very nice. Especially well written. Romance without being over the too. Lovely read. Thanks for sharing.
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