Reviews for The Confrontation
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
Wow that was great I really loved your story.
FriendsForevaa chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
I am a sucker for fluff and cute stories:D I loved it:)
Kori no Koibito chapter 1 . 5/3/2013
yeah gray! he even considered gion in thru chimney! XD
Engyinelllaa chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
Awwwwhhhhh. This is cuteeeeee! Go go Grayluuu
1fairytaillover chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii
zandehr chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
its awesome author-sama! uwaaa i hope the other guild memebers hear it too.. _ *claps claps* please write more GrayLu.. onegai? (_)
of the rain chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
HAHA that was so sweet! Like awwwwww :'D
and that part where Lucy being alone with Plue, is just so emotional T.T
I love the relationship between Lucy and her celestial spirits.. QAQ

Good job and well done! :)
RuruPuppy2854 chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
this fanfic is really good. i liked the part at the guild because it gives of so much suspense and made we want to read more. it was really fun to read
Guest chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
OMFG THT IS SOOOOO GOOD IT'S RLY GOOOD I LOVE THIS ONE SHOT IT IS SOOOO PROOOOOO! Gray was so awesome, and loved it when Cana was wiggling her eyebrows at him! Love this so much, I shall await more fanfics from u
jd chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
quite nice and i wish that it was more fluffier and more teasing before it end.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
Aww so cute.
annequinox chapter 1 . 11/8/2012

But I got so mad at Gray... -_-

Anywaaaay update soooon XD
Fullbusterrulesmyheart chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
Angel-chan! *hugs* It's been ages!
When are you getting time? I miss youuuuu!

And talking about this one-shot, it was SUPER SWEET! Kya! Hihi, I loved it. I'm in love with GraLu all over again, I guess. Because recently, I've been spending most of my time reading yaoi stories on FictionPrss. Lol! They have amazing slash romance!

And man, was it amazing! I completely force you to continue such stories. By the way, that reminds me of a certain story names Because of You.

Be a good author and update it already! It's been ages!

Once again, amazing work! Missing you Come back soon! :D
MartiaLae chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
Oh my golly golly gosh! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
ahaha xD you know that feeling when you just want to hampas-hampas your unan and your ate sa sobrang kilig,? xD Ahahaha I'm going craaaazy! I was practically squealing and grinning like mad to myself while reading this. :")

Why do you have to make it oh so awesome? now I'm pretty much sure I won't get this story off my head AGAIN xD (just like Three Wishes and You're Worth Crying for) Well, I guess that's to be expected from such an amazing writer! ;DD

I just LOVE the way you depicted Gray, his innocence at first(laughed hard at that!), his knight-in-shining-armor scene, his humor(the chimney part! ahahah! xD) and all the way to his *ehem* cheesy *ehem* speech *ehem*? Heheheh ;)

May part two ka pang nalalaman diyan! May Gray LOVES her novel ka pa diyan! Mamatay na ata ako sa sobrang kilig! /3/ ahahah so worth the read!

I was actually just checking my Yahoo mail and Ta-da! A new story from IloveCelestialIce! Of course, I just knew I had to read it! Ahahaha! So glad I did :')
I was pretty much suffering a mental shock when I read some post wherein they told about Mashima mentioning the name of Natsu and Lucy's child and all and ugh,,, I don't want to remember.. :'( My heart sank to the very bottom of the sea... But I won't lose hope! I have such wonderful GraLu stories to cheer me up, including yours ;) Not that I don't like NaLu, I just loev GraLu way too much for my own good xD

Oh and the dedication, I didn't expect that! That completely got me speechless and stunned! Not to mention overly touched and happy! A dedication from one of my favorite authors? Wahh T.T Thank you and thank you again :DD

Enough of my senseless babbling. Hehe Gomen! :')

More power and gambatte! ;) I'm so excited for your future stories and updates :DD

Love love lots,