Reviews for Dream For Me Tonight
Purple Nova Shelt chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
Please tag your story right. It would let people that specifically research for OC and Real person FANFIC to find it. And allow people that don't like it to not have a lot of irrelevant suggestion that blur their research...
Piastrnz chapter 47 . 11/7/2017
Omg this story is soooo amazing ! I swear I couldn’t concentrate on my work or life fro three days while I was reading it haha ! Great style ! Thank you so much !
I might read it again actually:) please continue to write !
Guest chapter 41 . 8/9/2015
Cass is the one that was constantly saying that she could "handle it" but then let's the harsh comments of loser fan-girls make her cry...
Guest chapter 47 . 2/2/2015
This was such a beautifully written price of art. Such truth and the character development was lovely.! I hope you write more I would love to read anything you have. Wonderful job. Bloody brilliant
Insanity runs through my vains chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
So no loki. That sucks, but is he basically the same, just a different name?
gherkim chapter 47 . 10/16/2014
Wow. Amazing story! I really hope you are going to write a sequel. I can only imagine what his fans have to say about a wedding...
CrissYami chapter 47 . 9/29/2014
Great ending chapter! Love how they didn't get engaged until the 15th! :p I enjoyed reading this journey you wrote!
FIRE ELF MAIDEN chapter 46 . 8/12/2014
i really enjoyed reading this FanFic. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter soon. great job.
Cerinasins chapter 45 . 7/27/2014
I am absolutely in love with this whole story. No doubt in my mind this is one of the most brilliant fics I've read. From the first chapter I was smitten with this story. Especially because it was about my beloved Tom haha. I've been reading this story over and over for the past year, waiting for an update that I hope will eventually come, because this is easily my number one fanfiction and is the first I found when I joined the site.
Your detailed descriptions, the emotions, and the interactions with each of the characters are 10/10 in my opinion. Maybe it's because I'm not that experienced with writing yet, but either way it's just a great quality story. You can bet a million bucks I'll be here waiting no matter how long it takes!
Lunar678 chapter 46 . 3/14/2014
Can't wait for the update
Cerinasins chapter 46 . 2/27/2014
I've been waiting so long for this to update! Such an awesome story I love everything about it! Please update soon!
LittleNerdette chapter 46 . 2/8/2014
Your story, as well as having the ability to make me laugh and smile, has made me cry on numerous occasions. As someone who lost a parent at a very early stage in life, who has also hit tragedy since that loss, I feel very connected to Cassandra. I understand her struggles and I love that you were able to convey those feelings so succinctly. Thank you!
La'Rae and Ninjas Incorporated chapter 46 . 1/4/2014
This story is truly magnificent please do not give up on it. The 42 chapters i just read were intriguingly scripted and i would love nothing else but to continue reading this incredible story. I look forward to any updates to come and will gladly be digesting them.
J.G. Adler chapter 46 . 12/15/2013
I love this story! Please, pretty please, finish it? I love how you didn't make everything always okay automatically. Your characters are like real people with faults and feelings. And it makes me love them even more. Thank you for sharing this absolutely brilliant story with us.
Guest chapter 46 . 12/3/2013
This story is soooo well written. Please tell me it's not abandoned. If it is, I might cry!
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