Reviews for Apologize
Ellen Outlaw chapter 42 . 3/3
I just finished Apologize and the deleted scenes. In what order do I read your other stories? Do I follow the order of date of publication or is there another way I should go. I don’t want to miss anything or become confused if I read them out of order. I love your work.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/29
Jim kind of pissed me off here, 'You could have answered.' Well you could have texted or called more that once, jerk, that's what people usually do when they really need to get a hold of someone.
angelthree117 chapter 42 . 1/28
I have spent basically every spare moment over the past three days reading this. I actually clicked on it accidentally while looking for something else, but got so drawn in just scanning the first paragraph that I haven't been able to quit! So excited to see that there's a whole series! I absolutely love all the songs you picked, and seeing how they tied into each chapter was fantastic!
Sandy0401 chapter 16 . 12/15/2019
Kate really gave Jim the riot act not that he didn't need it, I kind of liked it. Jim and Johanna have Kate acting like the parent when it comes down to them. Jim's got a lot of deep thinking to do for himself and fast. I love Johanna and Rick bonding (reminds me of Tuesdays before Caskett).
Sandy0401 chapter 15 . 12/15/2019
Ouch Jim really hurt both of his girls this chapter...I understand his frusteration but to say to Johanna what he did was uncalled for especially because if he regrets Johanna than apart of him does indeed regret Kate. Hopefully he can make it up to them both.
Sandy0401 chapter 14 . 12/15/2019
I loved the bonding over nightmares between Kate and Johanna so sweet and for a moment Jo was able to be there and comfort Kate. I loved them going to visit Rick and Martha, I love the friendship that started between the older two ladies and how Kate really fits in with the Castles.
Joana A chapter 42 . 9/7/2019
Wow, what a wonderful story! I don't have enough words to congratulate you. You are a superb writer and this story is absolutely one of my favourites. I wish this was what happened in the show. Thank you so much for all the great time I had reading it.
Guest chapter 36 . 7/9/2019
I think you meant that Kate DRAGGED Castle- pulled him- not she gave him a drug. The atrocious verb errors spoil the syntax and flow of the story. “Had gave”instead of “had given” ( the correct version)in the last chapter. “ Lay down” instead of “lie down” a few chapters ago. You do fine with normal verbs but you need to correct the irregular verb forms. Please change them.
Guest chapter 28 . 7/9/2019
This story is one of the best—the best written, the best plot, the best characterization—that I have every read. Your writing is very good .. But then you spoil the flow by your consistent misuse of the principal parts of verbs. Had WENT, instead of have GONE, a couple of chapters ago. Had RAN, in this chapter, instead of had RUN. And there have been others. Your writing is too good to be flawed by not knowing the correct tenses and parts of irregular verbs. Look them up, please, learn them. It will make a difference.
sasans chapter 42 . 10/1/2018
This was an excellent epilogue for a really great story. Thank you.
sasans chapter 41 . 10/1/2018
This was another very, very good chapter. I guess the confrontation between Jack and Jim was inevitable and of course you did not disappoint. I really enjoyed the scene near the end with Johanna and Jim at Rick and Kate's room. That was great!
sasans chapter 40 . 9/30/2018
This was very good. Johanna's meeting with Carolyn and Jack was pretty tough on her. Carolyn was great but Jack turned out to be a bit of an a... I'm so glad Jim and Rick decided to to to Wyoming and surprise their ladies.
sasans chapter 39 . 9/29/2018
This was very good and interesting hearing of all the reactions to some to hearing of Jo's story. The ones you think you can count on disappoint and the ones you were not sure of surprise you in a positive way.
sasans chapter 38 . 9/28/2018
This was an excellent chapter. You really did a great job on it. There was despair, tension, excitement, relief and love. Johanna facing Bracken and the final take down was top notch!
sasans chapter 37 . 9/27/2018
Very, very good chapter once again. You tied in the pieces of the show perfectly with your story and it was possible to feel the despair that continuously lingered in the air. I'm sure Johanna will probably be the one to face Bracken I'm just not sure how you have it all planned out.
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