Reviews for Gangster
grimorie chapter 5 . 9/7/2018
I really really enjoyed reading this story! This is one of the few Maura, daughter of a mobster AUs that really work for me. I love that the characters still felt like they're in character! Maura is still Maura despite her changed background, with few differences and you captured Jane exactly.

I also enjoyed the little follow-up/sidestory with Riley and Sophia!

Thank you for writing this story!
FrumiousBandersnatch15 chapter 5 . 2/10/2017
Really enjoyed these characters and this story. Had to read it all in one go:) Hope there's a sequel!
crime fictiction chapter 5 . 7/30/2016
and finally doyle has gone back to doyle land lol
crime fictiction chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
oh my i like that start
scar20253 chapter 5 . 10/25/2013
Absolutely loved reading this story and loved the idea of Maura being a mob bosses daughter but still a cute and adorable Bad Ass! :)
Just me and myself chapter 5 . 12/11/2012
This was an awesome fic!
AnnieMJ chapter 5 . 11/26/2012
I read this sometime last week on my phone and swore to myself that I would review. I enjoyed every bit of this and I thank you for writing it [
CageTheBeast chapter 5 . 11/21/2012
Oh gosh, this was AMAZING. I can imagine it as a movie.
Kudos to you.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/19/2012
tell me there is more
dajwoh chapter 5 . 11/18/2012
I loved it! Sweet and well written. When they had sex for the first time, WOW. Amazing :)
Keep up the good job!
XimeBeach chapter 5 . 11/15/2012
I really enjoyed this story. So glad that Maura was able to leave the life behind and that Jane was cleared. Nice happily ever after.
ireallyneedalifeoutsidetv chapter 5 . 11/14/2012
Really enjoyed this story :) It's rare you get a good & well written story that updates regularly, so thank you.
Riellebrat chapter 5 . 11/14/2012
WOW! Loved the story! A
Dark1ns chapter 5 . 11/14/2012
Great fic! Always love the scenario where Maura is part of the mob business and Jane is her usual selff. Changes the dynamices and gives the fic a diffrent edge.
tenaji chapter 5 . 11/14/2012
Thanks for posting this. Thanks for wrapping it up . New game invented " my witness protection name would be ... "
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