Reviews for The Demon's Child
Tyalieva chapter 6 . 9/18/2014
Well... I LOVE the idea of Morgan and Hotch BOTH being interested. I've read fics abouteighter of them with Reid, but this is the firs time both are. I like it. :-)
melitta4ever chapter 15 . 9/15/2014
Brilliant story! For a while, I was scared that it's gonna end bad. And in a way it was, though not as hard as it could be.

Thanks for sharing.
sweetandspice chapter 15 . 4/21/2014
Wow this was good loved the flash backs.
LostAmongstTheStars chapter 15 . 11/10/2013
That was absolutely without a doubt the best Criminal Minds fic I have ever read! It was like the whole thing came to life! Every word, every feeling and right now I am sobbing! He named the baby Morgan? Sweet God I just can't stop crying I really can't!
That was beautifully written and I applaud you for your skill! I hope to read more of your stuff in the future, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to read this. Thank you and again well done.
Emza xxx
LostAmongstTheStars chapter 9 . 11/10/2013
Holy mother of God! WHAT? You are trying to kill me! First Elle, now William Reid?! Heart attack central! This story is friggin' AWESOME! I can't get enough of it!
cm chapter 15 . 6/29/2013
Isabel that a greys anatomy reference? ;) hahah love it! anyways this story was so amazing, read it all in one sitting! it was the perfect combo of intensity and romance and suspense and everything!
Sebby-chan3000 chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
Bella Not Janae chapter 3 . 4/10/2013
Hmmm...someone is a little bit of a creeper don't ya think
MyGuiltiestPleasure chapter 15 . 4/2/2013
Excellent ending! Such a hateful man would have enemies that dissected familiar lines throughout the cannon, and it was fitting that the person he thought he had in his pocket got him in the end. Sadly I think Seaver should pay for all the horrible things she did - you can't make a deal with the devil and come away a winner.

Thank you for this new favorite!
MyGuiltiestPleasure chapter 9 . 4/2/2013
Oh my God! I had to stop and comment! I really find this story epic! I needed a good solid emotional story where the writer was more than talented but gifted - you are amazing at this craft and should definitely be getting paid! I hope that you are a paid writer somewhere because if not I want to hire you myself! I'm putting together a group of writers who can tackle strong emotional subject matter like yourself. Together we will open up an online publishing house. Ping me back if your interested.

This story really is Perfect!
anon chapter 15 . 3/5/2013
Are you really still doing those whole Taylor Swift faux shocked author's notes? How many GLUMPS and GASPS will we be forced to endure? It comes off EXTREMELY disingenuous & completely turns me off from reading your stories any further. SIGH.
Luna'Sister chapter 15 . 2/26/2013
i like this fic, it made me sad... but it a show of good wrighting when you can pull at other's emotions.
Megami Vanu chapter 15 . 2/16/2013
kay, I regret the delay. But I'm here in the epilogue ...
and ... congratulations! a great story.

I hope to read more adelande.
greetings and encouragement! once again ... congratulations!

Atte. Vanu Chan
Buridanical State chapter 9 . 2/10/2013
Okay. First off: This story is literary crack. I'm addicted. Secondly, I knew that it wouldn't be Anton's body, but I didn't see that coming. Nice twist! Lastly, I'm going to devour the rest of this story later and hit you back with more praise, which you will no doubt have earned.
cristina reid chapter 15 . 2/7/2013
first time i see a happy ending from you ;)
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