Reviews for Alteration
Meno Melissa chapter 3 . 4/24/2016
Did not see open end coming.
Houndini chapter 3 . 3/7/2015
Scruff the Rat chapter 3 . 2/21/2015
Well written. Balanced between fluff and angst. Well-used OCs. In character, especially for Raven and Beast Boy. Gotta love all those cameos as well.

As for the ending, I have a feeling we won't be seeing a sequel for this story, a shame really but it is what it is.

In my opinion, though, I think Raven would at least make a effort to destroy Trigon with her own world-ending ability-pretend to play along and then turn around at the last minute and turn the powers her father gave her against him, even at the cost of her own life.

A kamikaze sort of move, which would fit quite well with her new resolve and also be typical of Raven.
ItWasYourTest chapter 3 . 6/15/2014
*reads super ambiguous ending* well this is gonna bother me forever...
Miss-Statement chapter 3 . 1/10/2014
What? What?! WHAT?!
You write an incredibly brilliant fanfiction that has me hooked until the end and you leave it OPEN-ENDED?!
This makes me unbelievably frustrated because that's such a great idea!
You combine your impeccable writing talents with an end that keeps the reader guessing and it establishes this love-hate relationship with the fic that the reader can't help but become obsessed over!
You little genius you, I like you. Great job.
malaquadyne chapter 3 . 12/27/2013
I like it. It would have been interesting, if this were canon.
esmeblaise chapter 1 . 10/4/2013
Because friendship Is magic!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/1/2013
Please please PLEASE! You readers are right, you need to write a sequel or a happy ending, it's just so amazing, anyone who agrees type 'Alteration 2' in your reviews! Seriously though, a sequel would be much appreciated, nay, LOVED!
Coogg chapter 3 . 8/26/2013
Please please please make a sequel!
Umbra-Luna chapter 3 . 2/17/2013
...Wow. That was a powerful piece. I'm glad I came across this fic, because it's opened up so many thoughts on Raven, and her inner thoughts. I love the way you wrote Raven, not dark and moody, like most writers portray her, but socially awkward, thoughtful and a little broody. It really goes to show that she isn't really a teenager, she's an adult who is kept in her teenage body.

I thank you for writing this fic, and I hope you write many other stories with this much depth.

Here's hoping,

Guest chapter 3 . 2/10/2013
dude. finish. this. story. or. else.
Deleted-Offline Permanently chapter 3 . 1/29/2013
GAHHH! IT CAN'T END LIKE THAT! GAHHH! Anyway great story :D
anadylive chapter 3 . 1/6/2013
This. is. absolutely amazing. I'm surprised you don't have more reviews or favorites! You write incredibly well, I really enjoyed reading this. I don't normally enjoy stories in the first person point of view but this one wouldn't have worked any other way. The depth of Raven's emotions, or her lack of them, was perfectly described. I really enjoyed her interactions with Beast Boy and how you didn't make him into a complete idiot like a lot of people do. He's not an idiot, he chooses to be easygoing and "corny", but he is far from being an idiot.

I especially liked Raven with the kinder-gardeners! Cute fluffy moments to balance out her normally depressive and subdued thoughts. Dee and Simon were also very nice touches, including their deaths. It seems like a very Raven thing, to suddenly realize she has friends and then be extremely overprotective and lash out the way she did at Terra.

Oh! Oh! And I thought it was great how you wrote out her arrival here on Earth, all of the preparation she went through to come here, the formalities and Raven's attempts at "fitting in".

Anyway, enough rambling. Great character depth and descriptions. You definitely deserve more reviews and favorites!
rickytims chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
Beast Boy's vegan vendetta was the most accurate and hilarious portrail of his character ever!
I salute you via internet.
skyvibes669 chapter 3 . 12/15/2012
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