Reviews for Carry Your Shame
Brume Evans chapter 18 . 6/24
Omg the flash drive :O
So sad that Kurt deleted and blocked Blaine
And finally omg cliff hanger!

I hope Kurt won't destroy Evan's heart, he seems so nice (and so boring)
Brume Evans chapter 15 . 6/24
How can you do this to me?! :'(
I'm literally on the verge of tears the only thing positive is that there's like 17 more chapters so I'm damn well hoping they get back together
Nevrandil chapter 32 . 12/17/2019
Ahhh so good.

I love this fic. It was wonderfully written, had lots and lots of delicious angst, also smut, sexually confident boys (yesssss) and drama. Love your Blaine.. so different, but yet still so Blaine. Oh and the swimming.. *happy sigh*

Thank you so much for sharing this

Nevrandil chapter 29 . 12/16/2019
Really cool and believeable interview

Nevrandil chapter 28 . 12/16/2019
Re my earlier comment about sex without feelings: in Blaine's case here he did it out of some misguided and misunderstood emotions about how his family felt about him so whilst consenting it wasn't..recreational, so to speak. What he and Kurt did was different.

I might not explain my thoughts very well, but it doesn't really matter. :)

Another great chapter _ Glad they're talking!

Nevrandil chapter 27 . 12/16/2019
I gotta be honest and say that I'm struggling with the whole 'you had sex before you're too young etc'. I agree with that they shouldn't have had sex in school, but other than that they both consented and are 16.. I'm not saying teens should sleep around, but a sex ed class? Maybe it's me..

Great chapter though _
Nevrandil chapter 24 . 12/15/2019
Whaaaat? Getting expelled for an old video he didn't even know was filmed?

Text messages can be faked.

Ugh Evan..

Nevrandil chapter 23 . 12/15/2019
So Kurt does know how to turn off the sound of his phone

And uh oh...

Nevrandil chapter 22 . 12/15/2019
Oh Blaine...that speech..

Listen to the boy, Kurt.

Am I correct in thinking that Kurt is not aware of what is happening to Blaine at school? Blaine mentioned being bullied, but not the extent. Wonder what he'd think about it. It also means that he was/is open about himself as promised..which was the one thing that stood in their way.. *sigh*

Wonderful chapter.

Nevrandil chapter 21 . 12/15/2019
Seeee? I knew it! Ugh I don't like Evan.. he seems false..has so from the start...

I'd like to see Blaine swim, please..somebody make it happen!

Nevrandil chapter 20 . 12/15/2019
So looks as if someone's watched a little video... hmm

wtf Finn?

You weren't not good for each other.. McKinley and homophobia made life shit for you and a relationship impossible, Kurt. If it wasn't for that and Blaine's fear you'd be the golden couple..

Nevrandil chapter 18 . 12/15/2019
Oh dear...

I have no idea how they come back from this *sigh*.. has Blaine forgotten about what happened with Shane and the phone call?

And uh.. I'm still unsure about Evan. (Also...Kurt's changing a bit too much to be liked..hope he realizes that soon)

Why would you leave THAT Flashdrive lying around THERE so openely?

Nevrandil chapter 17 . 12/15/2019
I don't think Evan is interested in the same thing you are, Kurt..


I know why Blaine didn't immediately call or text after Shane did that, but why not a bit later? Idiot!

Nevrandil chapter 16 . 12/15/2019

I know how Puck would react was a major question mark for Blaine, but to suddenly feel everything will be alright just because he was ok with everything? I'm not sure...

Kurt's gonna love that voice mail

Nevrandil chapter 15 . 12/15/2019
Kurt is giving me whiplash here.. he understands Blaine, he doesn't. He doesn't want to sleep with him, then he does, then he blames Blaine for it. He knows Blaine loves him, then he's sure it was just all sex..

I know emotions are high and he's heartbroken, but I can't really keep up here with him.

Blaine though man... *sigh*

Great chapter.

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