Reviews for Future Thoughts
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 11/3/2012
These are your best lines:

"Whether you live in a close knit neighbourhood or an apartment building where no one gives a shit, bad things happen to good people. It scares you in that we're deciding whether or not to join one of those close knit communities out in the suburbs, or whether to stay in an apartment building where no one gives a crap. It scares you that a decision you thought you were making for the best, may not be the best at all."
She nodded against him.
"You saw yourself today. It doesn't happen often; sometimes you can see bits of you in other people's lives… but today, you saw us. You saw you and I stood on the doorstep of our house in a perfect neighbourhood and you saw Lucy with a dog. You saw us in Lewis' footsteps and you don't want to follow them and the life they ended up having. You want to protect Lucy, and you have done, so many times… but the Lewis'… they were just unlucky. Desperately unlucky. Wherever we decide to move, Linds, we'll be okay."

Lindsay's so scared right now that she isn't thinking straight, she knows better than anyone that the country while has its advantages does have some drawbacks like living in the city. Its what's best for your family and how you adjust to the bad things that make it right for your family. :) Besides I doubt that no one cares in their building, knowing how friendly Lindsay is and cute Lucy can be, I'm sure that they have a whole host of people who are looking out for them. And even though Danny's track record with neighbors in the last two of his buildings and how they don't even know him...I'm sure that he has changed since their marriage into knowing who's who of their community. *sighs* I know I have a lot to catch up on, but I'm back now, and this did touch my heart in how cool you included all elements of this episode...this felt like season two again with how everyone was back to their old selves.
18lzytwner chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
Very nice. It was definitely hard on Lindsay to see that. Love this. :)
wordxvomit chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
Absolutely spectacular! You've really got a knack for post-eps.

I love how intuitive Danny is. If Lindsay's in distress, there's no keeping it from him, and he'll do whatever he can to fix it. Where can I get a man like that? Lol.

And I totally agree with you about this season's direction. It's fantastic. All of these new little windows into the characters' lives makes me a little giddy.

Thanks for another great post-ep!

-kris is treble
CTI-Jenn chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
Very awesome. i'm sure this case did hit as personal for Lindsay. I think this might have been my favorite of the season so far. Fell a little bit in love with this lighthearted Flack.

Love that Danny showed up to be there for her and was there when she crashed. Pure raw, beautiful emotion here. Great job as always.
brendanakai chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
hey. thanks for this post ep. so much what you write abt Danny and Lindsay. Well, the storyline of this ep was sad, but we can see Anna plays Lindsay very well, especially the interrogation scene :)

However, I felt quite uncomfortable when watching the scene of Mac/Jo/Christine...
alexindigo chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Another good one Laura! :) Really liked this week's episode. The writing seems to be getting better and omfg, I'm reminded every week just how much I'm in love with Eddie Cahill. That man is so fine and that scene of him making breakfast for his dog? Eggs Benedict, no less! What a lucky pooch. :P Hmm...that man has been fulfilling the hotness factor for the entire show these past two years. I'm so very grateful that he lost the ridiculous season 7 hair.

Speaking of hot stuff, I have a request and I do hope Fred will help...could you give us some hot and steamy DL lovin of the M-rated variety, pretty pretty please? I've been re-reading your old fics and I'm reminded of the one you wrote just before Danny and Lindsay are preparing to go for Angell's funeral. Was hoping you could do something like that sort of as a tag for last week's episode with some 'Oh-my-god, I'm so glad you're alive right now and need to feel you' sexytimes.

I forgot to review your story last week. I actually was not too happy about the episode. We finally get a Lindsay-centric storyline in years and there's absolutely no dialogue at all for the first 30 mins! CG's reaction in the hospital was a little underwhelming in my opinion though I did think that AB was brilliant as always. She's so effortless in her interaction with everyone and I'm really looking forward to 9x08.

Anyway, thanks so much for sharing Laura. Hope you can give us some DL sexytimes, regardless of the scenario I posited above. Just need me some Danny/Lindsay lovin' please! Even a continuation of this story wouldn't go unappreciated. Hehe. Thanks again! :)
Saderia chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
That ws so good and a little sad.
Alex Joleta chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful. That said, I want more. HEHEHE
Catty chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
I want a Danny. He know Lindsay inside out, doesn't he? Beautiful writing, well done.
LoveShipper chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Awww I am glad that Lindsay had Danny to put some of her worriness about that poor little guy's brutal murder happening to Lucy to rest and have her the love and support she needed
Thorne Lockehart chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Oh boy, what a post-ep. I'm a marvelous lurker and a horrible reviewer, so forgive me if my reviewing skills are, for a lack of a better, shitty. Loved the Danny/Lovato bit (Even though I'm kinda on the fence about her character. There's too many Angell resemblances, imho.) and I loved the DL in the gym. Lindsay was very raw in this, which is understandable. I watched last night's episode with my mother (Horrible idea, by the way) and she was horrified. Gotta say I loved this part, though:
"Hey, listen," he said softly as he stopped them and turned her to face him. "I can't promise to solve all of your problems, but I sure as hell promise you won't have to solve them alone."

"I know," she smiled softly as she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his nose. "I love you for being you; thanks for coming to save me from myself."

"You don't gotta thank me for that, Montana. There isn't anywhere else I'd rather be than wiping away your tears."

Letting out a breath she hadn't known she had been holding, she felt the emotions and the anger she'd been feeling slip away as she crossed the threshold of the gym door. Things weren't completely fixed in her heart, but the pieces had been put back together.

And as long as she didn't have to face her worries and heartache alone, then she figured that things, like Danny insisted, might just be okay.

JUST TO SINGLE OUT THE PART I LOVED THE MOST. Anyways, keep 'em coming, que sera sera, all that jazz...
Thorne Lockehart
Gigglesforcsi chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Hey laurzz

Thank you for taking the time to write these stories, as always I enjoyed your post ep please keep writing! I hope you're doing we'll and I look forward to your next story/update!
MesserTurnerBates chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Thanks for another great onehot.
123montana321 chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
This was really great. I loved how close the Messers seemed and how well they knew each other. I wouldn't mind a part 2 to finish out their line of thinking, but without it I really loved this post ep. Thank you.
Meepster chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
(Be warned I'm listening to Glee's cover of Friday)


Not going to lie but Lindsay in boxing gear sounds HOT. And caring Danny is my favoriteeeee.

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