Reviews for Love equals Headache
Yo chapter 12 . 11/16/2005
Wow, this is definitely a story to wait for. The suspense you are causing with all these breakups has me grabbing for the bait. Hikari seems to have gone to the "dark side" and the methods she uses to achieve her goals... This is masterful.

I hope you update soon!
takuya chapter 12 . 11/16/2005
wow that chapter was like so total great i cant beilve how great that was it was liek so toatl incredible update soon plz
Bonnie Mizuhara chapter 12 . 11/15/2005
Poor Takeru! He never gets a break does he? Does Takeru know that Daisuke's parents are Taichi and Yamato? I've never seen a story with Hikari being a bitch and poor Takeru! Then again, I've never read many stories concerning Hikari and Takeru solely. Yay! You updated! Could season four be in this?
Yo chapter 11 . 10/29/2005
I can definitely say you ensured there was drama in this story. However, at times I felt that it bordered on being like a soap opera. Perhaps you could spend a bit more time on the character's feelings?

I hope you update soon.
takuya chapter 11 . 10/20/2005
wow that chapter was so total great i loved it tons, update soon
Star chapter 11 . 10/19/2005
;-; I hope things get better soon between everybody. Or at least change for the better. I will cry if it continues like that, I swear.
Einatsu chapter 11 . 10/19/2005
Damn o.o

I have completely no clue about what the hell's going on, but it seems that the main reason the two relationships are falling apart is Daisuke- who's right now head over heels about his BF-ness with Ken :P

But you can't really blame Daisuke, I mean, he's an idiot and unaware of the hell's going on around him. Last resolution? Blame Canada
Bonnie Mizuhara chapter 11 . 10/18/2005
whoa! a lot of bad things happening around. Only Daisuke seems to be ok although i feel his relationsip is really going. Can't wait till you update some more of the Digimon fics. Like Two Sides of the Coin for one. Hey, can you add Frontier kids in this one? That was be so cool!
Bonnie Mizuhara chapter 10 . 10/4/2005
Niki is a zombie chapter 10 . 3/18/2005
'Just Miyako'? That's kind of sad. ( this whole fic is as fake as Ken's seems so happy, but is really so sad. I really like it though, and I hope you find time and motivation to continue.
Einatsu chapter 10 . 3/5/2005

1)""Your Bed." Daisuke managed to say, pointing at Ken's bed, where a discarded green insect like doll was half buried under Ken's discarded pajama top"

There goes the shirt~

2)"With a heavy heart Daisuke noticed the edge of the futon, not even an inch away from his foot. Not even an inch away nonetheless, though."

There goes the distance~

3)""Oy, Ken… don't come any closer… oy, hands off! Gimme back my shirt, Ken, I'm cold! Oy, Ken!""

and there goes Daisuke's virginity o.o



""Yes, they do seem to be having fun…"

He said as his son's desperate cries for help reached him via the phone."

Such an abandoning parent.

letting his son be sexually abused while doing nothing about it by his new lover.

My parents would never do that for me ;-;

Tho I don't get it- why couldn't Ken's mom just bust open the door?

I mean -they have enough money for a new one

"A chuckle from behind him alerted him to his husband's presence, but he kept his attention to the phone… or at least did his best to do so when a pair of arms sneaked around his waist and a naughty pair of hands tugged at his pants."

No matter how many times I read this part I always get a kick out of it XD

"Yamato pouted as cutely as he could"

Yamato pouting *-*

I really loved the conversation. Unlike most shounen-ai fanfics that go on with the boy love as if natural as could be, I really loved the refer to freedom of choice and and at some point that it "could've been het, ironically-it isn't" XD

the whole packing scene was cute -

""Yep, nothing important in that message."

He replied with a smile.

'Just Miyako.'"

Really sad on the Miyako part though. Now it really demands a Miyako ep again.

Ah, I just love girl stories in the age of pubirty- becoming depressed again and again and again. Reasons are the most interesting parts XD

(refraining also to myself, of course- I'm aware of it )

and now my mom urges me to sleep, so i can't continue this review any longer :P

Anyways, best ep up till now in my opinion. Really really great *-*
Azure Rose chapter 10 . 2/27/2005
*Waves DaiKen flag* DaiKen forever! _ loved the chapter well done! Can't Wait for the nect chapie! *continues to wave flag* _
takuya chapter 10 . 2/27/2005
aw that chapter was so cute i loved it tons very fluff filled plz update soon
Black-Luna chapter 10 . 2/26/2005
hey this story is getting very interesting. i just started reading it 2day. update next chapter soon.
Sapphire Luna chapter 9 . 12/7/2004
Ken as the princess! XD

Miyako sure was over reacting a bit.
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