Reviews for Burnt Offerings
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 14 . 2/7
great story!
RedJohn'sDaughter chapter 14 . 10/25/2019
Ok, so this is the best fanfic of the fandom. Everything was amazing. I'm in awe.
BS chapter 14 . 10/18/2019
Great story, beautiful ending.
fightboredom chapter 12 . 9/28/2019
conscience (ie jiminy cricket) not conscious.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/7/2019
Guest chapter 2 . 8/7/2019
Wonderful, albeit the swearing. Christ is someone I believe in, u know. Other people do to. Anyway, your work is lovely. Kudos!
thewomaninn12B chapter 14 . 3/18/2019
Beautifully written.
MaraFreila chapter 14 . 8/5/2018
So a sweet ending!
Tativi chapter 14 . 4/1/2018
To me, this is probably your most beautiful Jisbon story judging for what I've read up to now. You've made me a fan. By the way, I'm a fan of Donnamour, Waterbaby, Rothelena and Pellegrina too. You make my insatiable craving for Jane and Lisbon much more bearable. I can't stop reading about them and I need your stories like a drug. Thank you so much! :-)
No name chapter 14 . 2/11/2018
Hey, I have now gone through all the chapters and found your fanfiction because of Nikelea, who translated the whole thing into German.
It was really rousing and I really like your writing style. You have really taken the character of the two really well.

Keep it up
horses4504 chapter 14 . 4/7/2017
Wow that ending was beautiful and you were right about it being enough fluff to choke on but it was totally worth it
horses4504 chapter 7 . 4/7/2017
"Are you giving me dating advice?" hahahahaha not gonna lie, I cackled out loud
Munkeyfump20 chapter 14 . 12/3/2016
Oh that is such a nice story thanks for the read
7anastasia7 chapter 14 . 3/3/2016
Very beautiful story
Thorntons chapter 14 . 5/23/2015
I have just read this through from start to finish - loved it!
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