Reviews for Untamed
Otoxv31 chapter 1 . 4/27
I know that you will not be able to answer because this story is finished but I really want to tell you that I really enjoy this one. The relationship between Fenris and the OC is really strong and beautiful. I agree with some expressions that you use for him like 'spoke' because I can easily imagine his face expression, so serious, trying to hide his fellings, emotions like if it was prohibited.

As I told you before, I don't like the modern life being mixed with DA's history and you really did well. I was not thinking that it will be so fun to imagine them playing some games from our world. I really laugh.

I also love the relationship between the OC and Hawke as she is his sister in this one. It makes interesting interactions with Bethany's memories and also with her own world.

Fenris looks stronger in this story where in the other one he seems more addict to her (and her mana). I love the character in this story! I enjoy reading. Thanks

Congratz for your amazing imagination. I will follow the other one with the same interest!
Aliaster addict chapter 100 . 3/10
I just found this story and had to read it I couldn't put it down it was great thank you so much for the enjoyable read
Guest chapter 88 . 3/9
Pick a fucking tense and stick with it! You are ruining the quality of previous chapters by chopped g and changing
Guest chapter 100 . 5/3/2019
Tre bien. Thank you very much,I greatly enjoyed this story!
Mumia0813 chapter 22 . 11/30/2016
Loving this so far...
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
Going to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of this. Full of cliches and the first few chapters were lacking suspense. I lost interest around chapter 6... for a girl who's suddenly in a new place with magic and all that other crap you'd think she would be freaking out a lot more. Was also hoping for more dislike between the characters or at least some mistrust towards Makatza. Everyone just seems to be so accepting and it kind of made it pretty boring to read.
DiablosBiotch chapter 100 . 9/11/2016
I must say that this story has had me enthralled for the last three days. I've cheered, cried and laughed. *thumbs up* I do hope you continue write and possibly do some stories featuring Garret as the OC's LI as well as Varric as a LI.

On a personal note I wish you well and fulfilled in all your endeavors.
millicent-malfoy chapter 100 . 9/2/2016
I have just finished reading this whole thing in like 3 days... IT IS EPIC! Seriously, you have talent! This is definitely going on my kindle and being read over and over again! Yeah you tweaked bits of the game but that added to the immersion and i found myself being unable to stop reading... one night i didn't even sleep as i couldn't put it down! I will admit when you had her marry douchenugget i was really really pissed but i got passed it and actually fangirled when Fenris and her made up.
Lastly, i really want to thank you for taking the time to actually finish this, as i know from experience and unfinished fan fiction that writing is hard to fit around everyday life. So seriously well done! 3
qwikitty chapter 4 . 6/8/2016
Hmm... this sounds good. I should keep reading just to be sure.
Da'har N'irr chapter 100 . 12/3/2015
Firstly I want to say: Loved it!
Second, I'm finally back reading your fics, sorry I've been gone a while, college has been so hectic! Games design is more work than people think!
Thirdly: I have really enjoyed this story, the ups, downs and inbetweenies, I don't really know what to do now it's finished! But I'm glad it's ended on a happy note. Room for a potential sequel too! :P
Asilyessam chapter 100 . 12/3/2015
Omg beautiful! All good things must have an end and your fic was amasing!
DarkDust27 chapter 100 . 12/1/2015
Love it I just absolutely love this story from the fact that it's an insert to the fact that it's long (the pairing is a favorite of mine too). I just want thank you for ACTUALLY finishing your story I know things like this are time consuming and we all have things we need to do in the real world so most fics don't always get complete anyway much love and nice job! :D

Can't wait to see what I there stories you come up with though as a suggestion I hope you do a Vampire Diaries(the TV show not the book) Insert next (or reincarnation) ;)
Asilyessam chapter 99 . 10/12/2015
X3 squeals in fangirlistic glee! I just found this story and I am hooked lol I will tackle others that you have written. I laughed snorted n cried this was a amasing story! :D
MisguidedCub chapter 97 . 4/19/2015
Lml I'm so done with Fenris, he had me cracking up! Can't wait for the next chapter!
creativeLunatic chapter 96 . 3/5/2015
It took me two full nights of reading and I have to admit that I'm a little sad that I've caught up, I'm enjoying this story immensely. I'm hoping that you'll continue on through Inquisition but that would require a bit of canon-shuffling. Oh well, one can hope ;)
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