Reviews for The Sun
Amethyst Beloved chapter 1 . 4/28/2016
With the ridiculously high divorce rate in North America, I think that it was natural to assume that Jake's family was broken the same way that Clare's family fell apart. The way you alternated between Jake's eyes as a child and Glenn's perspective as a grieving widower was a very unique approach. After reading The Waking Hours, I didn't expect to me plummeted in the aftermath of another death. But I still enjoyed this one-shot very much.
JayEllGee chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
Aww little baby Jake. When I picture him in me head he’s wearing one of his plaid shirts that we see him wear now – the actual adult-sized ones. And the sleeves droop over his hands and it’s adorable! And everyone’s giving him “stupid” nicknames and trying to be okay around him and little Jake is all “well… this is bullshit.”

“It's like writing in invisible ink, or the residue of a dream you can't remember.” I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; your descriptive prose is amazing and I am hugely jealous! HUGELY!

And Glen struggling to cope. Not realising that it’s 1am and he’s getting milk. The way his paragraphs are broken up, just urgh – so many emotions!

I love your Jake stories. They just rip your heart out (but in a good way, honest!)
MelodyOfSong526 chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
My. God.

That was...powerful. I mean, this should be a novel! Gosh, I really...completely speechless right now. The way you've captures this side of Jake and Glen that we have never seen...Wow. Fantastic work!
Lady Azura chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Fantastic as always.
GoneForevef chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
I just want to cry. And tell Jake someday everything will be okay. This was so haunting, so full of sadness and despair. As usual I applaud your brilliant ability to give ridiculous layers of depth to characters whose depth we have not fully been exposed to and may never be.