Reviews for Mirror, Mirror
bratpack23 chapter 24 . 2/22/2014
I really like your story. its been a year.. i hope you will post the next chapter of No Excuses.
Jen chapter 24 . 1/25/2014
Omg has it been a year since u updated this? Please please write the sequel, I'm so thirsty for more. Love your writing!
hedonist11 chapter 24 . 1/3/2014
So glad I found this story because it really was so much fun to read. It was sexy and sweet and you have an amazing writing style. I love how clever and emotionally raw it was. And one of the best things a story can do is hide some of itself so we get lost in the magic of mystery.

I loved not knowing what was going on with Brittany until it was time to be revealed. It kept things suspenseful and interesting and made me want to keep reading and never stop.

This really is a great piece of work and I really hope you continue it eventually because... The one negative thing I will say is that the ending felt rushed and anticlimactic.

The whole story was just so great and then at then end I was left feeling blah, which really sucked.

I'm not sure if that had something to do with the planned sequel, but I'd really like to know what happened between Brittany leaving and them reuniting.

Anyways, thank you for the lovely read :)
Guest chapter 24 . 12/1/2013
So good! I just read the whole thing from the beginning. You have wonderful writing and bring the characters I love to life once more with honestly and beauty. Couldn't have asked for more in a fic honestly (and thankyou for your impeccable spelling and avoidance of clichés). Can't wait to read more!
Kali-blue chapter 24 . 11/5/2013
Awesome story and personal journey for Santana. I hope you go back and write more from Brittany's pov and get them together eventually. Clearly Britt needs to feel more in control of her life and herself as well as needing a boost to her self esteem to know that she deserves love. Off to read more of your stuff, thanks Kali
Guest chapter 24 . 7/5/2013
I don't know why I keep reading this story! I've read it like three times and I don't know why because it pisses me off so bad how Santana is totally fine with every one of her friends lying to her! Ugh! It's so fucked up! Good writing skills though.
hotdamnaya chapter 24 . 6/5/2013
Hey man. Totally epic story. Sooo excited for no excuses...hope you post it soon. Would really love seeing britt's take on the whole thing and brittana's hopefully happy ending. Please please give our hearts a break and make us smile, give us the storyyyyyy! We're anxiously waiting. :)
Guest chapter 24 . 6/1/2013
Your story was so beautifully written. I absolutely cannot wait to see where it goes from here. Maturing is so wonderfully bittersweet, I hope ultimately all ends well. _
sarzah23 chapter 23 . 4/11/2013
I really enjoyed reading this! Can't wait for the sequel!
Liz chapter 19 . 1/20/2013
LOVE the story! Was that a reference to the show Revenge in ch. 19 that I detect? ;) I love that show, it's awesome. Anyhoo, you're an amazing writer so keep up the awesome work! Thanks for writing this story :D
M206 chapter 24 . 1/15/2013
I'm glad you are back to writing.
0mniessence chapter 8 . 1/13/2013
Eve Random chapter 23 . 1/12/2013
That was really excellent. You gave them each a tremendous amount of depth. When(?) Naya's album comes out I'm gonna have to remind myself that this was fanfic and not the backstory to the songs I tinhat.

Thank you!
Mar-uhh chapter 24 . 1/11/2013
I really hope your able to get back to writing more and start posting this story soon! I miss your stories!
Eve Random chapter 18 . 1/9/2013
I love this story. You're the reason I'm getting nothing done in life right now. I hope you're happy. ;)
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