Reviews for Deducing Tragedy Part One: See no Evil
NamiMakimono chapter 42 . 7/27/2019


inari of the skies chapter 8 . 11/7/2016
Hello. I would like to give you some advice on tech used by the blind, for I'm legally blind, though not completely. I can enough to walk without a white cane.
The lap device to surf the interenet is unlikely to exist, but there are computer programs that read text to speech. Two I know of are JAWS and zoom text.
The text to speech for her cell phone is accurate.
There are devices that read print and writing.
There is a device that reads paper money, but modern bills usually have braille on the corners of bills.
The blind have all kinds of cool gadgets to help in day to day life.
I like the idea with the walking stick, but it wouldn't be helpful at all. There are designer white canes, which are cool.
The way her sister pressured her to move in with someone, upset me alittle, because most of us live independent lives. We can do most things sighted people can, though help is nice, if we need it.
The way she knows the layout of the flat is great. I do the same.
Most modern smartphones have settings for the blind, fool around on your own phone for a feel of it.
Most countries have associations for the blind, I live in canada and here we the CNIB Canada national Institute for the blind.
Research is key if you want to know more.
I hope this helps you.
Thank you for creating a character i can relate.
Sorry if I sounded pretentious, I just like to help educate people about the blind.

A friend.
Erudessa-gabrielle chapter 42 . 5/25/2016
adotdev chapter 33 . 7/18/2015
I hate you -.-
Rhee-nony M chapter 42 . 5/20/2015
Tali Baozi Bang chapter 42 . 4/16/2015
I seriously hate you... You made me CRY. But your story was wonderfully written and it is an accomplishment in itself to make me cry.
MadderThanAHattress chapter 2 . 6/8/2014
Very beautiful. Probably haven't gotten a review in a while. I was perusing the completed stories and I cam across yours. Very well done. I am in fact blind as a bat, my iPad reads to me. I love how you put that she wanted to be treated like everyone else, like she wasn't blind. We're independent people who don't need someone to take care of us. Do you know someone who is blind? If not you do very well of portraying it. We do wear glasses to not freak normal people out, in my case it is to hide. Thank you for a very well written description of it.
Castiel Angel Heart chapter 19 . 2/20/2014
That bastard killed the kitties! Sick, vile, evil man!
thenightowl57 chapter 34 . 1/27/2014
Ahhh soo cute ashfkflalajfsllalsnfllc928 ebb
Guest chapter 27 . 12/14/2013
My god. The feels.
DoctorWho9 chapter 10 . 12/11/2013
LittleBeeofBakerStreet chapter 43 . 10/31/2013
Awwww! So cute! I like the middle name you gave Sherlock.
DoctorGiggelstheMouse chapter 10 . 10/28/2013
Oh. That's so lovely of Sherlock.
DoctorGiggelstheMouse chapter 8 . 10/28/2013
Oh no!
Guest chapter 42 . 10/13/2013
My god. This story was actually amazing. Read from 3am to 7am. I'm going to bed.
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