Reviews for Darling Kate
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Please, i am waiting more! When?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
Hi guys will be writing a new chapter this weekend hopefully!
IvyBright chapter 10 . 6/20/2013
Yey! Finnally a little somthing to chew on before the big thing (right ? there will be one ? Please say yes... XD ).
Thank you for this chapter it's a horrible day for me and it made this day a little brighter, so thanks ;) .
caribbeanamphibian chapter 10 . 6/20/2013
Short, but good. :)
uofmcowgirl chapter 10 . 6/20/2013
HA HA! I totally understand about time! Can't wait til the next chapter!
laurav88 chapter 10 . 6/20/2013
continue soon please!
Lipush chapter 10 . 6/20/2013
just found this story.

While I looooove the idea and theme (I love baby caskett stories and yours is original), i do have a tiny criticism about it's 'built'

at the beginning your paragraphs were very big and when you continued it you parted them, which is great.

I think that when someone says something, you need to start a new sentence just below it, it makes it much easy to read.

And to pay more attention to punctuation. I am not native English speaker and it will be easier to know where a sentence starts and ends, better this way:)

that's my only criti. thanks for this lovely story.
Mary Angel 02 chapter 10 . 6/13/2013
uofmcowgirl chapter 5 . 6/13/2013
Or is she going through Chemo/radiation? hmm
uofmcowgirl chapter 4 . 6/13/2013
I figured out she was pregnant in the first chapter! Good story though so far
Taralynn1322001 chapter 9 . 6/4/2013
For you not to have internet access it matched up perfectly. I love this story and cannot wait to read the next chapter.
Ilana chapter 7 . 6/3/2013
WOW, Great story and I can totally relate. I had a high risk pregnancy with my son 11 yrs ago. I had gestational diabetes. The Dr kept telling me the risks. I went ahead with the pregnancy and he was perfectly healthy at birth. Today he is a healthy and active 11 yr old!
SokoStuttgartFan chapter 9 . 6/4/2013
I can understand Kates fear,desperation, be scared... And that she is unsure. And her reactions to Castles. specially in this circumtances.

So dont get me wrong.

But she stillmake thsi a a little to easy / hard. Or has to many high expectations. She threw (literally) a bomb to him and expect what?

Why has she still so less "trust"with him? Not that I dont understand. But they know each othe rfor 5 years and be together for 1 year.

She hat 6-8 weeks to deal with that and Castle should react to with happiness "immediately
? I think this is a little unfair of her.

And she llied to him .In a serious matter.

I think she has to accept, that in Case She or the Baby. That Rick can decided for her. He has this "right"

I love the fact,that Castle were there for her. But I think that at some point Rick should have the right to think about this alone,when he needs it.

Fair is Fair.

SokoStuttgartFan chapter 8 . 6/4/2013
This flashback was nice.

It shows, how good the relationshipbetween Kate and the Boys are and how good they knoweach other.

Of Course the Boys notice that something is off. I mean they know each ther for years and are close.

I love Gates. She is a good bOss. And I love her in this chapter to.

She comforts Kate/take care about her but not to much right now.

I hope she will be a good mentor /big sister similar thing for Kate during all this. I wonder how will Kate handle Desk there is no way, that Gates lets Kate out in the field. Especially in this circumtances.

SokoStuttgartFan chapter 6 . 6/4/2013

I havent notice taht I havent give FB since Chapter 5. SO here we are.

Kae is divided in this FAnFic.

On 1 side She put on the brave face and hide all this ffromhim. And it gets harder and harder and harder. Aand she believethat she had to hide it, because she desperatley want this child.

And them she wants to tell him. To easy his worries. And feel sorry for lie to him .

You describe this well.

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