Reviews for Rise
pennylynn chapter 26 . 7/3
Great story. Thank you.
narsuess chapter 26 . 5/15
It's so good... I really enjoy reading this, thanks so much for writing and sharing this story. thank you for not prolonging the criminal aspects of the story and instead focusing on Edward and Bella.
Gagika chapter 26 . 3/29
I enjoyed reading this story, so thank you!
Ashlie Christine chapter 26 . 1/16
Loved it! Well done!
PuzzlePerfect9 chapter 26 . 12/22/2019
I really liked this story. Sad it’s over! Probably one of my favorite parts was the ending with Charlie!
HollywoodTwore chapter 26 . 12/17/2019
Wow, such an amazing story!
Thank you for sharing (and finishing) it! I haven't read one with this plot line before and it was a great read. Fabulous characters, which showed both sides to them. I'll go check our your other works now. Thanks again!
amsrule chapter 26 . 12/8/2019
Great story!
SusanBec chapter 25 . 11/11/2019
Starting re-reading this wonderful story yesterday and finished up this morning. I had to comment seeing as how it's Veterans Day now and this chapter was written 7 years ago on Veterans Day as well. Thank you for your awesome stories - I really do miss your original fics so much. Hope for a new one some day in the future.
Lesley282 chapter 26 . 10/23/2019
Loved this
Devoured it all today
CSG chapter 26 . 10/23/2019
I just finished reading this one last night. I loved it, of course. I wanted more of it. You, my friend, are so talented. This one was posted in The Twilight Fan Fiction Finders as this weeks story of the week. Thanks for sharing this with us!
clickpic chapter 26 . 9/3/2019
Thank you for this story. I really enjoyed it!
Gigileexo chapter 26 . 8/12/2019
Okay so I decided to delve a little deeper into your fics and since this has been on my list forever and I had a 5 hour train journey across the country, I decided to give it a go. So glad I did, read it all in one sitting which I’ve never done before since I never have the time, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed another of your fics! I near cried at the little message Charlie left Bella, wow. Thanks... again!
-Gigi xo
Agonidzo777 chapter 26 . 6/28/2019
I just finished this story and I really enjoyed ti immensely. My kind of story.
Guest chapter 26 . 4/29/2019
"The air conditioning must be turned way up; it's freezing." You turn DOWN the air conditioning when you want the house colder - from 70 degrees to 65 degrees, for example.
Guest chapter 26 . 4/2/2019
Loved it
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