Reviews for Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse
Ebullientjenn chapter 68 . 7/20
Oh this story man. It was intense! SO good! I read it in two days. It seems unfair how long it takes to write a story compared to how long it takes to read it. I loved this so much.
Guest chapter 68 . 7/15
Dear lord I am shook. I had avoided this story for years because I had heard it was never completed and I have been left hanging too many times before. For some reason though this story kept popping up on different groups I belong too and I thought what the hell find out what the fuss is about. This story is a freakin epic! It literally has everything I love all rolled into the most fantastic package. Yes I want more but it does stop in a sweet place in that I’m ok. I have closure for these two and this story. But dear lord this was amazing ! Dear writer wherever you are thank you for sharing this. It’s like vaulted to my favorite fic ever.
basically chapter 56 . 7/3
good luck with your original fiction! im sure it'll turn out lovely- you have such lovely writing! ive enjoyed your stories and the world-building in them immensely. 3
Ghost chapter 48 . 7/3
Ohh...ouch. What a rejection! But Draco has been a ball of emotions killing and then burning his parents before sleeping with Hermione. And I guess Hermione is the only person he loves in the world right now... :’(
Guest chapter 68 . 7/2
I've read this story a few times, even unfinished it remains one of my favourite fics. The world you have built out from the original source is utterly compelling and believable, even more so in these times.
Wendy chapter 1 . 6/28
This fic was AMAZING, and such a cathartic read during our real-life pandemic. I am amazed at how you fleshed out not only the characters, but the intricate settings and "sci-fi" elements - not only are you a phenomenal writer, but your imagination is such a gift! You must have a lot going on in your personal life, but know that we as readers would be absolutely delighted to get the last chapter of this fic whenever you're finally ready to let it fly :)
basically chapter 36 . 6/26
Oh, to keep with the string of comments, this is "ghost" but now logged in to my account cause I wasnt sure I could remember the pw! XD

"I must confess I've never had a witch quite like you before. The others have all come along willingly when provided with suitable incentives. What about you, Hermione? Are you going to behave?" He lifted her face off the mattress by sharply pulling back on her hair. "Are you?"

Umm... interesting how Amarov's hatred of magical people isn't a deterrent to forcing them to have sex with him. :/ Even more interesting is the fact that he probably knows Honoria loves him but doesn't take advantage of that with a sexual relationship. I guess he's just not attracted to her at all (good, because I have no sympathy for her lol). I wonder if Amarov is an actual psychopath or if he just acquired psychopathic tendencies/traits through trauma...
Ghost chapter 29 . 6/26
I wonder what attracts Hermione to Amarov... is it a combination of her intelligence, courage, Muggleborn status and looks? I think a man like that (i.e. Cambridge and ambitious) would def find intelligence super attractive.

I am so surprised that Amarov’s desire for Hermione to trust him is incentive enough for him to let Belikov out of the pit!
Guest chapter 68 . 6/25
Omg he fainted lmao
ghost chapter 25 . 6/24
Oh, the note on zombie is really cool though I'm usually too much of a scaredy-cat to watch or play any zombie-related show/games! I've always thought it's interesting how zombies have a really short life(undead?)span with the older ones always threatening to fall apart any moment, so it's neat to hear that they could've wiped themselves out if we just let them be. XD I also heard that building a very tall wall to surround ourselves in is good protection too, since zombies can't climb.
Ghost chapter 23 . 6/23
I love Draco’s conversation with Hermione. What a confession to make! I totally understand if she rolls away from him afterwards. Draco is a selfish man but Hermione is a selfless woman.

Oh, and as much as I love them together, I think it’s totally fine to have them spend the last couple of chapters apart! It’s cool to see how each of them is coping with their own situations, relationships...etc. Not to mention it’s heart-warming to see them miss each other too.
Rubywurst chapter 1 . 6/22
Dear reader. Do not be discouraged by the fact that this story has not been completed yet and has not been updated for over a year or more: the story is basically finished (short of an epilogue at best) and is THE MOST AMAZING STORY I HAVE EVER READ! Yes, I’ve read ‘Manacled’ by Senlinyu. Yes, I’ve read ‘Isolation’ by Bexchan. Yes, I’ve read ‘The Fallout’ by Everythursday. HOWEVER - THIS STILL IS THE MOST AMAZING STORY I HAVE EVER READ! (And I don’t even like stories about a Zombie apocalypse...) Please, give this a go and worship this goddess of an author. Thank you.
ghost chapter 18 . 6/22
Wow, I love your writing and the immersive world you create! What a different world these people in Amarov's fleet must live in if they need a reminder that there are zombies out there and they're fortunate to be as safe as they are. My heart breaks for Zabini- pretty sure he's running on survival instincts this entire time. :'( If he dies in battle, his son will be all alone and will probably die too.

I can't believe Draco would jump in to help a friend (so Gryffindor!) but I guess the only other option is to watch his friend and his friend's son die. :( I don't think I could live with the guilt of just standing by and doing nothing. But then again, Draco's head is useful and they went through all that trouble to kidnap him so maybe they'll get him out of the arena too!
Bree chapter 1 . 6/19
Thank you for your perseverance in writing this magnificent fic! It was an amazing ride.

The way you crafted world events, the humanity of these characters in their highs and lows, and just overall the scope of this tale is beyond words!

It was like envisioning a movie playing in my head when I read this. If only Hollywood could come out w/ quality like this on average. I enjoyed what you did w/ these characters, and w/ every death it was jarring and heartbreaking.

I could literally taste the desperation and bleakness of this world. You seriously crafted a fine Draco and Hermione ship out of this impossible clusterfuck. Everyone felt real and their mannersims and decisions were so...vivid.
They weren't stock characters or lifeless. It felt like a living breathing world.

Chapter 68 when the baby is born felt like a new chapter, a turning page. These characters were different. They've shed their own skin and tranformed overtime. Draco has some softness, some give, he's no longer untouchable. While naggy, sweet yet idealistic Hermione has been shattered and hardened. No longer naive, but keen and aware of the world in ways...she wish she hadn't been. The world is still uncertain, dark and dangerous, but there's hope.

I hope you continue writing. Seriously...after binging this...I'm apt to read anything to write and you would make a great author. I want to be a writer myself, but this is inspiring if nothing else. lol

Thank you.
HPloverDMHG chapter 68 . 6/19
Ohhhh PLEASE UPDATE! ive fallen in love and i dont want it to end!
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