Reviews for Monster City
DeansBabyBird chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
such a desperately sad situation
Chick Feed chapter 2 . 10/21/2012
Very nice double, great to have both perspectives.
Chick xx
Dizzo chapter 2 . 10/19/2012
These were two delightfully sad chapters. I especially love Desan's reasoning in thinking the whole heaven/hell/purgatory thing was shitty. He was absolutely right - Lenore and Madison were 'monsters' but were they bad?

The sweetness of Cas's thoughts in the second chapter was heartwarming. :)
ccase13 chapter 2 . 10/17/2012
Poor Castiel lacked the wisdom to see that abandonment is truely worse than death for Dean.
ccase13 chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
This is such a true statement. I will be so glad if they do not find Madision or Lenore while they are backflashing season 8.
TheYmp chapter 2 . 10/16/2012
I think I may be the only one that winced when Dean said he prayed to Castiel! So the "self-enforced silence" had a special resonance for me; of course Cas didn't answer - it's to protect Dean, but on another level it's because he's seen the error of his ways and no longer seeks out worship from humans.

I love that last line... "How could he bring death to the man who had taught him about life?" - it struck me that the man who so loves apple pie is the Apple of Knowledge for an angel.

thank you!
TheYmp chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Ah, see this is why I love the SPN so much - that these big philosophical questions can sit cheek by jowl with "Is he just friends with the angel or what?!"

I like that despite Dean pronouncing it as a "shitty system" he still realises that he is "doing vital work". And while I don't accept the concept of 'fate' there's a subtle distinction that by "doing what he was born to do" he's actually being used by a higher power.

Fantastic stuff, thank you!
MeAzrael chapter 2 . 10/16/2012
"How could he bring death to the man who had taught him about life?" Oh so sad. But true to his character (and nowadays I'm happy to see at least one character like I used to see him :-)

Wonderful drabble story!

xx Kate
MeAzrael chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Oh, I loved your drabble. The atmosphere, Dean's homemade sickle, his praying and cursing, but most of all how he's thinking about Lenore or Madison or some other so-called monsters they had to kill... I wish the Dean that came back to us would be more like that - though I understand that fighting for your life a whole year wouldn't make you all touchy-feely about monsters...

SupernaturallyEgocentric chapter 2 . 10/15/2012
Very, very good.
SupernaturallyEgocentric chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
It is definitely a shitty system, Dean. Good drabble, tho!
1983Sarah chapter 2 . 10/15/2012
Love 'em both, great work. So full of angst and sorrow and fighting for survival. Great job!