Reviews for Mami's Night Out
Hachiro12 chapter 1 . 3/24/2017
And her real name was Nagisa. Great story dude, really had a nice an fluffy feel to it. Mami definitely needs more love, and who better to provide it than the one who bit her head off :D
The Humble Astronomer chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
A really nice piece here. The humor was great as well as the characters. :)
Truna chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
Really sweet. :3
CelticPhoenixProductions chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
Excellent story! I love this pairing and you've done them justice!
Do you plan to continue it at all? Because if you do, I think it'd make a great two or three shot :D
InoSaku4ever chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
Awesome! Liked the pairing
Multibeveridge chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
Awesome, especially "walrus night" made me laugh pretty damn hard lol.
DappledKarma chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Haha, witches as strippers! Great story. I love how you portrayed Charlotte.
stealthmomo chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Pretty good. Pretty good. Boy, I know how Mami feels. I can socialize elsewhere just fine but I really have a problem in clubs and the like.

So the Holter is THAT kind of drink, huh? I see. _- I was always love it when Mami gets a good ending, so thanks for that too.
NightSkyWolves chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Brilliant! The only thing that bothers me here is their witch names and stuff. Aren't those supposed to change or something? Heheheh, nevermind. Cute as well as amusing.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Awesome. Wonderful
Markus Ramikin chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
That was pretty good.

"Secrets secrets" - wat?
Sasaki in a Top Hat chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Oh, goodness, this was silly, light and cute. I adored it. All the little inside jokes about the series (Obviously, Binbou-chan got popular because of her new dye job. Midnight blue is a very trendy colour), the meta jokes, and even those little references to those other authors... those are the sort of things that I love to see in a story, and yours were pretty damn clever, too! The story itself is sweet, and even though Forever Alone Mami jokes won't disappear it's nice to see her enjoying herself like this. MamixCharlotte is an odd shipping in principle, but at the same time I do definitely like it, and you made Charlotte a fun, believable character. And I wasn't really expecting Walpurgisnacht to show up, but I love what you did with her. I do have to mention Mami probably isn't the type to flub Walpurgisnacht's name to the comedy degree, but she was drunk and getting drunker so I can certainly concede that fact.

But yes! In conclusion, I loved it. I almost want to see a sequel but it's perfect as it is. So great job!
angel0wonder chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Awesome. Mami needs all the loving she can get! You really put us in her shoes as she went through the motions. I like your Charlotte as a character. She was a great foil for Mami, and hopefully they'll hook up and have lots of magical babies. Romantic comedy- achieved.

"Birthday Sex" was a stroke of genius, btw.
Guestly chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Wow! This was a crazy awesome fic. And since you said it was a true story, it must've been more fun to write! Really well written and, birthday sex, that was the best haha. Really nice fic! Hope to see more from you!