Reviews for In the Shadows
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
aunque paresca raro la guerra es así cuantas buenas personas están inbolucradas y cuantos soldados van mientras los politicos ni se manchan caray y pobre tipo en fin
amamiya chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Well written - the way you portrayed Tanaka as a man who would show kindness; the vulnerable looking child who is not at all what he seems. The juxtaposition so clearly drives home the chilling and terrible nature of the hitokiri's work, but the small details - his actions afterwards - reveal the anguish within. A memorable fic - thanks for sharing!
Whitetree-Nimloth chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Chilling Battousai one-shot... I liked how Battousai showed up in the least expected place!
Morgstang chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
This is just as good as I remembered it. I remember reading this months ago and I just love it to bits! I'm so glad that you've posted something, FINALLY. This bit DESERVES a spot on here, if anyone's does :) Everytime I read it I just get the HORROR Tanaka must of felt. It's written so perfectly. 3
And you never had to hack my account to put yourself as a subscribed author, I remember going to add you and was like, "Oh, must've already added her." Didn't even think for a second that you did it ;)
I always thought if you ever did post something up here again, it'd be an FMA piece, and to think Kenshin got the spot! Still, it's amazing and I can't find a single thing wrong or anything that could be improved. It's just perfect. Very...3
DesertRose3000 chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
I'm always looking for stories like this, told from Battousai's victim's POV. Seeing everything through the victim's eyes gives Battousai such a sinister air and makes the spine tingle.

One small quibble: The inn Battousai stays at is called the Kohagiya. The Ikedaya was the inn the Shinsengumi raided and massacred the Ishin Shishi in in July, 1864.