Reviews for Blue
Guest chapter 8 . 10/4/2017
you should do a fanfic where cap gets a fever and kim takes care of him, he should say this, by your powers combined i am, not feeling so good
heidiheidi chapter 8 . 11/11/2015
I had been initially reluctant to read this story, due to the OC obviously being a main character. But I decided to give it a go, and I actually really liked it.

I suspect the lack of reviews is because of people being put off by there being an OC. Which is a real shame, because the OC doesn't take over the story.

A few minor things I'll point out (but as a whole the story was great)
1) How did Captain Planet end up getting a mortal-like injury? It is alluded to in your story that this is indeed very weird, but there was no explanation as to why it happened. I was kind of expecting to see Doctor Blight being behind that (as she has done a couple of really horrific things to Gaia).
2) Gaia seemed very out of character. I think that she wouldn't be so quick to tell Captain Planet off and question his ability to do his job.

A big plus of the story is that this was a romance with depth to it (and not just sex like so many fanfics involving romance seem to).

Overall, great read! And I am reading the sequels :)
Guest chapter 8 . 12/5/2012
awesome story! finally Captain Planet has a personality ! and double congrates, he's not friggin happy all the time, he can be sad too !
Frankie Alton chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
Haha, the part with CP throwing the stick was funny. This was a nice chapter, and it's interesting how CP is starting to put some pieces together of who he is.
Frankie Alton chapter 3 . 10/21/2012
Good chapter. I got a little chuckle out of Linka explaining things to Wheeler. I like how the relationship with CP/Kim is going, not too fast, they are taking time to know one another and not just instantly falling in love. And you have a good balance of the chracters in the story too. Sometimes an OC can take over a story, but I don't feel that happening here.
Frankie Alton chapter 2 . 10/21/2012
I like how you made Captain Planet naturally good with animals. Of course any animal would know by instinct they could trust him. (Also my cat is named Buddy. hehe)

Also I think it's cool you're writing a romance featuring CP. Not many people write him at all, let alone in a romantic role. I'm not normally into romance with OC's but for Captain Planet I really can't see him with anyone on the show, so it makes more sense to have an OC.
Frankie Alton chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Interesting first chapter. I like how you included so many of the characters. Blight's plan seems alot like something she would do. It's like her to get obsessed with a certain idea and keep going after it, even if it seems crazy. And of course MAL would try to talk her out of it, but she won't listen.

The Planeteers were very in character too, and it was good to see them acting as a team. And LOL at Wheeler, cause his first solution to everything is always to try to burn it. Haha. You did a good job on writing Captain Planet's part too, he has always been the most difficult character for me to write.