Reviews for Rockabye
Midori Hiei chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
I'm literally crying right now. It's HEARTBREAKING!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
I read One in Four because of this and that phrase "I want Raleigh" still sends shivers diwn my spine.
mailroomorder chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
This was...heartbreaking. And I know it's a One in Four prequel/spin off, but I was wondering if you'd ever consider making this your own series/writing a sequel. It was so devastating reading this, but I can't stop thinking about what happens next and how Burt and Mollie handle this situation-the ups and downs and the therapy and how that makes things worse and better, and Kurt going back to school etc. This was just a really heartbreaking one shot, and really well-written.
Pheldiner chapter 1 . 9/14/2013
This is part of the story where Kurt has 8 personalities right? That story made me cry. And the ending was so sad. Little Kurt was rapped and then he gets other personalities and Truman tries to kill him and in the end Blaine has a different boyfriend...Beautifully written but the ending of the story is just so sad.
StrainAsylum chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
I (against my better judgement) read this and it broke my heart. I sobbed as I had only for deaths of my family, and Cory. I work in a field related to law enforcement and this hit very, very close to the mark. I'm actually surprised that Burt doesn't try to beat the rapist into mush, given how protective he is. This is before the death of Kurt's mother...I would hate to think of this Burt if he lost her just 4 yrs after THIS happened. And then Kurt's severe bullying in another 8 yrs.
Starship Gazer chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
Don't really know where else to put this, but here you go: Prompt! Sue wants the New Directions to lose at Sections so much that she manipulates Kurt and he becomes anorexic, too weak to perform. She pulls out all the stops, trick mirrors, lypo, taking in costumes, exc. Season 3, must also have recovery chapters
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
Awesome story:D
InuLove98 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
it's great
Anon chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Oh my goodness! This is fantastic! I really hope you write more drabbles based on One In Four!
BatFlashAquaven11 chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
So good, but soo sad:) :(
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
xhearttowordsx chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
I'm addicted to One in Four and addicted to your writing, so seeing you write a drabble for that fic is just like crack to me. You captured the feel of the story perfectly while still putting your beautiful spin on it - your Mollie is my favorite (possibly canon) mommy for Kurt, and baby!Kurt? Forget it, i'm sold. I loved the angst and pain and voices of the characters, and it's got me thinking of how One in Four would have changed had this been the beginning.
Great job, and I can't wait to read more drabbles for this!
trufflemores chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
You know, this actually explains a lot.

I was hesitant to read this one because of the nature of the story (namely: child sexual abuse), but I decided that it was worth the risk and I was pleasantly - although 'positively' might be the better word here, since there's nothing pleasant about what happened - surprised. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting (some authors tend to write graphic rape scenes which I have no taste for whatsoever; I avoid those on principle and back away from even potentially good stories that have a lot of dark themes), but it still managed to be even more heart-wrenching than I anticipated. I had hoped that maybe things hadn't progressed to that level, that maybe Kurt had been sexually abused but not actually raped, but unfortunately, that is the case and it can't be changed. I'm starting to think that this is the reason that I've never read "One in Four" completely: it's just too dark for my tastes. Even adolescent/adult sexual abuse is hard to stomach. So I stepped out of my comfort zone to read this piece, and I'm grateful to say that you've handled it very well.

The build-up to the revelation was eerie. It was a very gripping storyline to begin with, because so much was left untold after the prior drabble that you've written for this work. Now a lot more puzzle pieces are fitting together in the picture and it makes more sense. This took place before Kurt had multiple-personality disorder, and this is the reason that he developed the condition at all. It makes sense: traumatic childhood experiences are definitely a cause of split personalities. Of course, there are other factors, but after an experience like this one, I'm not surprised that Kurt ended up spiraling down that road. It's tragic to know that the personalities are the least of his concerns, even though they aren't pleasant to deal with, either. The experience that lead up to him developing the condition was the worst, and Burt and Mollie are right to fear that he won't ever recover from it fully. He doesn't, and he's never the same again. Something like this is a one-way road, and it's a dark future that lies ahead of him. I seem to recall that at least one of Kurt's personalities - Tyler - is from when Kurt was eight years old, and part of me is nagging that Kurt does end up losing his mother that young in that verse as well as yours and canonically.

It definitely explains why the story forewarns heavy angst.

I enjoy certain angst to a certain degree, but then I have limits and, while I don't have triggers, I definitely have preferences and reasons to stop reading a fic. And with this piece, I re-discovered why that was.

I'm not discrediting either piece. I'm actually applauding your ability to pull me into a story that I had, for days, refused to come near because of the nature of its content. I'm also impressed with the author of "One in Four" that she's managed to draw and captivate an audience of readers so thoroughly to a story that is so heavily angst. It's an impressive feat, and only a talented author could manage it, and you've carried on the mantle marvelously here.

I'd say that my heart breaks for the Hummels, but that seems insufficient to describe a piece like this. Needless to say, I mourn the fact that the Kurt in this universe will never be the same again, and that he had to undergo this treatment at all. I mourn the fact that Mollie and Burt couldn't stop this from happening, and that they unwittingly entrusted their child to a monster for two weeks. I mourn the fact that this happens outside the limits of fanfiction, that there are families undergoing what the Hummels must endure right now, and it genuinely makes my heart ache for all of them.

This was a beautifully, maturely written script that I truly applaud you for being able to write. I would not have been able to write this piece, and I am sure that many other authors would struggle to handle the subject material alone. It's a work that I would not have foreseen myself reading before I discovered your stories, and I'm relieved to say that you handled it well. So many don't, so finding a piece like this - while heartbreaking - is incredibly rare.

Tragedy at its finest, really.
VashtiMarie chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
Two weeks though? Really? Thats a long time to leave a four year old, even with your mother let a lone a strange man! SMH :-/
CheshireTears chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
If only they had figured it out sooner... And now I'm going to go curl up with my feels. You and Margaret could probably take over the world with feels alone.

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