Reviews for Of Obsession And Love
rose.waldron.9 chapter 13 . 9/25/2016
You're such a tease to end it there. So sexy...more of John's punishment lol
rose.waldron.9 chapter 12 . 3/1/2015
Damn Brock is so diabolical he gives me chills. I worry about poor Randy and John but isn't that half the fun? ;) You know how much I love dark stories so I can't wait.
UnholyVengeance chapter 11 . 2/16/2015
rose.waldron.9 chapter 11 . 12/12/2014
So good to see an update. Love how Randy and Phil can't stop drooling over John and I don't blame them. John is so naiive going to eat with Phil and I have a bad feeling about it. :)
Vindictive John Dark Fantasy chapter 11 . 12/12/2014
Oh no John don't go
Vindictive John Dark Fantasy chapter 10 . 11/8/2014
Wow creepy man hurting Randy for Brock

I'M SOOOOO SORRY ITS TOOK SO LONG TO REVIEW ITS MY 21st birthday I was drunk off my ass for two days lol
rose.waldron.9 chapter 10 . 11/6/2014
Wow what a way to end on a cliffhanger. John is so cute and sweet in this story but I look forward to Randy punishing him lol
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 9 . 9/18/2014
Aww. Well so far it's getting really good. Keep writing, Keep writing I love it!
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 8 . 9/18/2014
Aw :( That isnt' nice of Vince. What an ass. Hmph
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 7 . 9/18/2014
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 6 . 9/18/2014
Oh wow. That's kinda awesome that Phil is in on it. But Brock is a creep. Definitely a interesting love thing going on here
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 5 . 9/18/2014
Huhh. Never expected that Phil and Brock would be friends. But sweet :) So many twists to your story! Love it!
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 4 . 9/18/2014
Huh... I can only assume that Mark Henry would be the big black man and the other guy is Brock... I'm only assuming though. Interesting... :) I'm in suspense now this is getting really good :)
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 3 . 9/18/2014
That's creepy that he was outside Johns dressing room but interesting. Wondering what's gonna happen next
RoxasLover4ever21 chapter 2 . 9/18/2014
Hmmmm Now I'm curious about what Brock's gonna do lol :)
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