Reviews for Not a Love Song
Astrum243 chapter 31 . 6/1/2017
This story is truly wonderful, you captured the moments very well and focused on all the characters. I really hope you make a sequel, it would be fun to see what happens next.
nothingtolose18 chapter 31 . 6/24/2014
This story was awesome. I love how you focused on all four of the characters, not just Austin and Ally - Trez are my favorite, and I love reading about them, too. I do wish that Dez and Austin had found out about what Trent did to Trish - especially Dez. I would have loved to see what their reactions would have been. Perhaps you could write a sequel? ;)

I did notice a few minor grammatical errors here and there, mainly run-on sentences and missing commas, but your writing was enticing enough that it drew me in, regardless. I loved each of their individual storylines.

The last chapter was extremely well-written. I especially loved your little epilogue/end part with the quote.

And this is random, but I think it was in Chapter 6, there was a part that I loved. It was when Dez was talking to his dog and he told him that he was "unbelievably rude". It was just so adorable and I could totally imagine that scene playing out.

Overall, I really enjoyed this fic, very glad that I found it! :)
SassyRaptor chapter 31 . 12/14/2013
This was such a well-written story. Bravo!
CatchTheRainbow chapter 31 . 11/20/2013
This whole story was absolutely amazing and i'm still pretty speechless to be honest. Amazing job!
melodxes chapter 2 . 8/14/2013
Ok I think your story is going great and is super hilarious although there is one thing I have to correct. Everytime you intended to write "vicious," you wrote "viscous" instead. Just a heads up!
Meggy chapter 31 . 8/12/2013
OMG I am crying my eyes out! That chap was sooo amazing! You are an incredible writer, you make me feel every emotion each character is feeling. Your description Is really really good! Again A-MAZ-ING! Please update soon!
MISS.SUNNYBAUDELAIRE chapter 31 . 8/6/2013
OMG. This is the sweetest chapter! It's adorable and I love it so much!
I can't even begin to describe how sincerely touching it was, especially the ending. That very last paragraph was beautiful. :)
It almost sounds like the end of the story...IS IT?!
I hope not! I love this story too much!
Upload soon! Or just upload whener...:)

S. Baudelaire ;)
NicoFan-of-Apollo chapter 31 . 8/6/2013
I cannot even express how much I love this story! It is so well written and has such a gret plot line. You are actually able to bring out emotion in me which is always a sign of a great writer! I had missed a couple of updates for this story and couldn't remember what it was about after I saw your last update so I just went to the beginning to start again. As I started reading it I realized which story it was and that it was indeed one of my favourites. It had been a while since I'd last read it though so I decided to just reread the whole thing to refresh my memory. As I read on though, I soon realized that I actually already remembered every detail of the story, which for me is uncommon, especially with how many I read. I usually remember the general storyline and chain of events, but with this one I remembered every detail as I read it as well as how much I loved it the first time I read it. I read on anyways though out of pure enjoyment because I wanted to read it again. To relive the amazing story. So today I've spent hours rereading this whole story again and enjoying how absolutely incredible it is. You have done such an amazing job! This is a high quality piece of work and you are an absolutely incredible writer! I don't know whether or not this is meant to be the end of the story because I think it could go either way but it was the most touching emotional chapter which I assume is what you were going for. But I myself found myself holding back tears at the goodbyes and at seeing where the tales of Trish, Ally, Austin, and Dez had come to. I found myself taking a particular liking to Dez's story right from the start to the end though I truly was touched by them all. Whether this chapter in itself is a goodbye or not, I have found myself truly moved and touched by these four stories of these four people, a well as the bigger one in which they all shared. They have brought me honest enjoyment and I couldn't ask for anything more! I have no doubt that there is far more to all of these stories, whether you choose to write it or not, I don't know. What I am sure of however, is that as long as you continue to share this amazing story with me, I will always be here to read it! -with my fondest wishes, Romeo (in fact your so talented ill give you my real name! Your reader forever, Holly
EmmALewisS chapter 31 . 8/6/2013
Wait-was that the end?
I mean, what about Trish and Dez? Wh-What?

Okay I know I said Austin needed to be more bratty since he was being so nice and I was starting to 'awe'! And I don't want to 'awe'! But DOING THAT?! I mean, I know I asked for it but... YIKES.

I just don't want to like Austin... But I don't want to hate him either! So I guess you did me some good, cuz now I love him AND hate him! ;)

Nice job
Christabel chapter 31 . 8/5/2013
Dis story is touching,awesome,good ,great,emotional,heart warming...i dunt even no wat 2 say anymore...just dat, I LUT IT!:-)
GoStrongBreathe chapter 31 . 8/4/2013
This chapter really touched my heart especially since one of my best friends is leaving the state to go to college. The last bit with the quote and about goodbyes will be etched in my mind as my friend's departure arrives. So thank you. Anyways, I love the chapter overall. It's really good.
picklepancakes2023 chapter 31 . 8/4/2013
the galaxy effect chapter 31 . 8/3/2013
Hang, is it over?
Stuckforlove chapter 31 . 8/3/2013
Awwww noooo is that the end?!
EnvyNV chapter 31 . 8/3/2013
:*( Is this the end? Of this story? Of Auslly?
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