Reviews for Shot too soon
pherman015 chapter 71 . 11/11/2018
I've come to the conclusion, you are a poet of love, romance, tenderness, and hotness.
Nanou0111 chapter 71 . 4/23/2017
Well! I just read all these lovely oneshots and I loved loved loved them! That was sooooo gooood! I think I felt everything from happiness, to sadness, from butterfly to dreadness. I love the way you write Caskett and I really hope you will keep them alive. Thank you for writing! You are amazing!
GoodByeApathy2 chapter 71 . 3/1/2017
Re-read them all and enjoyed them all over again. Love your writing
Danari88 chapter 65 . 11/12/2016
I've read a LOT of fan fiction over the years. No exaggeration, this is one of the most powerful I've ever read. That you accomplished so much in a one-shot is even more incredible. I never thought that Beckett drowning her sorrow could be in character for her- you changed my mind, reminding me what it feels like to have everything you care about and every ideal you hold yourself to, overtaken by grief because the pain is just too much... Yeah, her loss of Castle could and would bring her to that. But then, showing how strong Beckett is/can be -especially for him... This deliciously, excruciatingly raw, back-and-forth dance you had her doing during this whole story. How she swayed between emotional overload and guilt to gritty determination and refusal to believe he was dead, it was amazing. Wonderful story. Your writing always delivers in spades, but this time you took it to a whole other level.
Danari88 chapter 66 . 11/12/2016
Martha performs her own eulogy? Of course she does. Who else? Martha says something, either by design or accident, that dispels the usual gloom of a funeral and leaves everyone full of laughter, the joy of life, and truly remembering who she was at heart? Of course she does. Kate is the one who tries, but can't help letting Martha's infectiously-warm antics wrap around her (again) and bring out her happiness? Of course she does. This written scene was perfect- it made me grin so big and cry so hard- just like I would if I was really "there" for Martha's funeral. It's my new head-canon. Excellent story, great job, dead-on true to the characters- especially Martha.
EllaNight chapter 71 . 10/11/2016
I absolutely adored this! Thank you so much for continuing to share your wonderful talent with us! A true pleasure to read!
Guest chapter 71 . 10/6/2016

Thank you
sasans chapter 4 . 10/5/2016
I was definitely surprised at the end.
sasans chapter 3 . 10/4/2016
Very, very good!
sasans chapter 2 . 10/4/2016
This was really good!
Operaluvr chapter 71 . 10/4/2016
Oh, you really sucked me me in with this one. My anxiety rising in the beginning and laughing out loud by the end because of puns. Coffee puns. Truth be told, I would've been even more anxious knowing it was the Espresso machine from the beginning because, you know, coffee.
bluedaisy05 chapter 71 . 10/4/2016
Awwwwwwwwww! Love this!
Guest chapter 71 . 10/3/2016
Aww this is lovely and sweet

southerngirl1 chapter 71 . 10/3/2016
Kate never learned to conquer that machine..and didn't want to. She liked Castle bringing her coffee. .sad for its demise though. .thanks for this one..
GT500RonSmith chapter 71 . 10/3/2016
The coffee machine is done, but Lily is on the way! Precious!
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