Reviews for Care Package
Hazmatt chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
Great story! I really enjoyed it!
spaceman-earthgirl chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
That was a really cute fic, thanks for writing.
Twyger chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
Let me guess what's in the care package Rick has for Kate ... is it a "d*ck in a box"? Sorry, I had to go there, too much Saturday Night Live I guess! The story was great. I loved the care package that Kate gave Alexis. I remember those boxes when I went to school and how happy they made me! It was perfect that Kate went up alone so that she and Alexis can work on their relationship. Thanks for sharing
DetBeckett chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
Too cute!
LilithL2 chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
Beautiful idea, i hope they took it and do something similar. I would like to see alexis / kate scenes with moments of intense strange relationship and others that are really sweet.
congratulations, amazing fanfic. as always.
ER-Freaky chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
great story 3
onepowerball chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Another awesome story as always :) I love the contrast and dynamic between Beckett and Alexis in your stories! Will you ever write a kick-ass Beckett and unintentional sidekick Alexis action story in the future do you think? If you do I am all over that, like I'm all over the rest of your writing :D lol thanks as always :)
Bobby-John09 chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Hahaha that was a really great one shot i really enjoyed it great job :)
firtree chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
cute! a great mix of funny and serious. you are a great author as always.
naybaybay chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Have I mentioned lately that I adore you? Oh and the story's not half bad either ;-)
tsquared322 chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Love this, and I love care packages too! Love that she kept him from going up to see her, and the joke about the cookies.
nathy.faithy chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
lol! I like it! xd
KMacD chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
aahhck! Last line? So Castle, so funny! Kate still needs her care package and this one, at least, is age approprite!
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
Once again, I have to ask if you have a mental link to Andrew Marlowe and the writers of the show, since it is eerie just how well you capture the all of the connective tissue that allows for such tight continuity! And the character voices are spectacular! The Kate-Alexis conversation about care packages and their shared moment over the need for a link to home was simply the bee's knees when it came to getting both women on the same page and further building the trust and mutual understanding!

SparkleMouse chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
"Hey, don't worry," Alexis interrupted, and now her shrug was elaborate, affected; she shifted backwards into her dorm room and away from Kate. "No big deal. I mean, I don't even live there, so don't worry about me." - Gonna punch her in the face.

"You can open it later and see," Kate said. "But the best part of freshman year - or well, the thing I looked forward to the most? Care packages from home. My parents sent me one a month that whole first semester. Cookies, brownies - those usually didn't survive the trip - stickers my dad had found, still thinking I was thirteen, just stupid stuff that meant they'd been thinking about me-" - I seriously miss that so much. I miss camp and college care packages. A few years ago one of my friends sent me one and it was filled with so much junk. Basically best random surprise ever.

Kate just hadn't known what to get an eighteen year old whose father could give her everything. This just seemed. . .meaningful as well as easy. - That's so true. I love where her reasoning came in. Special and meaningful is just so much better than money gifts (unless the actual gift is money lol.)

Kate shrugged, throat closing up, because she remembered now that her mom had said the same to her - all of this - that the care packages from home were stupid, yes, and all the cookies smashed into tiny crumbs, she'd known that too, and Katie was too old for stickers and cat notebooks and notes in her lunchbox, but that she'd need it. She'd want it one day.

And she had. - I really love this because it's so true. Sometimes - no matter how childish - you just want pieces of home.

"I'm sorry about your mom."

And they both said it, exactly at the same time, for entirely different but so similar reasons. - Love that understanding from both of them.

"Not funny, Beckett. Not even the replacements were good enough."

"I told you. That doll was hers from childhood. You can't replace that stuff." She nudged his hip to get him moving, knowing by the list in his body that he wanted to go see his daughter. "Money can't get you out of all the consequences, Castle." - I love this comparison to things from childhood, home, stuff with meaning and that money isn't everything.

"Why, Beckett. I do believe you groped me in public."

"I swatted."


"Lightly palmed. Like a handshake. Only. . ." - Cuuuute.

"Thank you for checking in on my daughter so I didn't have to," he murmured. - UGHHHH. That kills me. So good.

Sometimes, Rick Castle could be so very enchanting.

"Ah, Kate." His warm breath skirted her lips. "Now I've got a care package for you."

And then he had to ruin it. - Hahahahaha. Oh Castle.
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