Reviews for Cruel as Winter
Guest chapter 4 . 10/18/2019
This was just too wonderful! They should record John's tales. One grandchild becomes a writer and writes them up. Becomes a best selling author.
librarywitch chapter 4 . 11/19/2013
John always was a wonderful spinner of yarns. Well done.
Puggle chapter 4 . 11/6/2012
Stunning. Really lovely. Thank you for sharing.
spinner12 chapter 3 . 10/24/2012
The 'talking' flowers are cool.
Miss Catherine Earnshaw chapter 4 . 10/23/2012
Excellent final chapter :D I especially liked the parallel you made between the 'real puzzle' (the one with the ice, as in the original tale) and the 'Sherlock puzzle' (mind palace and all that). And once again, the comparaison between Irene and the Snow Queen appears as quite obvious Using Kate was a very nice idea too.
Anyway, it was a very pleasing and entertaining story, so thank's for all :D
Arty Diane chapter 4 . 10/22/2012
That was so nice, great ending. I liked the way the end of the tail mixed with the real world.
Arty Diane chapter 3 . 10/22/2012
I love the narrative style of this story, the mix between fairy tale style and the character's personality (Lestrade) also the refrences from the show are great! Thanks for the language of the flowers in the end, it was very helpful.
Ennui Enigma chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
Lovely! So nice to see the flowers reincorporated into the story line.

Liked the references back to Sherlock's mind palace, Irene's partner, and Mycroft's secrets incorporated into the Snow Queen fairly tale.

Beautiful symmetry. Really appreciated this portion:
... was a place of warmth and light, of comforts and home, of tea and wooly jumpers and violins and laughter. Those thoughts were hard to retain in this place of hard edges and coldness and intellect and glittering ice. Baker Street was the colour of brown and red and the soft blue of a summer sky and of the heart. Irene's home was white and black and the blue grey of winter and of the mind. Sherlock had felt comfortable at first, if one can be comfortable in such environs. It called to his own remoteness and helped to hide the feelings that caused him confusion and distracted him from the chase and the game.

Much applause for a well rounded, happy ending fairy tale of a detective and his doctor :-P
SassyVeeDub chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
A lovely ending here. I like the idea of melding the Sherlockverse with classic fairy tails, the whole good versus evil thing. Nicely done.

Thanks for the shout-out. Not stalking, honest - just enjoying your writing ;-)
Old Ping Hai chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
Wonderful! And very insightful!
Lucy36 chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
Aaaawww... Brilliant !

As stated before I don't remember much of the original tale, but that probably only made it better. Poor Kate, though.

"Do I know you? I seem to remember something about tea and violin music." That line just about broke my heart. I want John to make tea, and read besides the fire, and Sherlock to play his violin and make experiments. And everything to be alright in 221B Baker Street again.

Thank you for this winter fairy tale. :-) Good luck with your other writing !
jack63kids chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
Aw, that's so sweet! Then ... from baggies to no-trousers - obviously no leap in imagination for you then!

A truly wonderful fairy story to warm us on a chilly evening.
johnsarmylady chapter 4 . 10/21/2012
Awwwww! That was beautiful! I loved the way you brought Kate into the story (not least because she saved our John from freezing to death!)
Thank you!
JAL xx
Lucy36 chapter 3 . 10/17/2012
He he about your author's notes. I do have only faint memories of the original tale so there's hardly any spoilers for me ! :-)

Thanks for explaining about the meanings of flowers. My brain tried to come up with something relating to seasons but it didn't hold.

Very sad chapter. Poor John. Bad Mycroft ! I can't remember who he is in the original tale.

We'll see if next chapter is true to the title, then.

Happy writing ! I'm suscribing to this story. :-)
Lucy36 chapter 2 . 10/17/2012
Masterful use of the transition, dear Maple Leaf.

Ooooh ! I was expecting her but thought it couldn't be because you know... They didn't even meet in winter, and it didn't happen that way. I'm such a kid sometimes.

*sits back, entranced by your storytelling*
I can see the snow billowing outside and everything, this is great !
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