Reviews for And So It Begins
Hazmatt chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
Incredible story! I really enjoyed it! Very hot!
musicaldolphingirl2011 chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
I love Jules since she and I enjoy the same kind of ice cream and believe that there is no such thing as to much chocolate
janet84 chapter 1 . 10/26/2014
This is one of my absolute favorite JAM first time stories, especially how you incorporated the episode's dialogue!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
Written really well. Bravo!
Sewtunes chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
Whew! [As she fans herself] I enjoyed this story immensely. Thank you, Trish, for having a birthday, so CTI-Jenn felt compelled to offer you a present! Too bad you don't have a birthday every week- or maybe that Jenn doesn't have 52 friends, one with a birthday every week! I have to quote Jules: "I think I could come to like that."-meaning more such stories! The scene, the thoughts, the actions of Sam and Jules post Eagle 2 exactly match what I would envision for that evening. In both the show and the fanfic stories, I love how Jules fights her attraction for Sam so much but that it just overrides her better sense.
JAM Fan chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
wow okay now I really need a cold shower. I loved that scene gosh which SAM fan didnt right? Sam is just...I really want my own haha your stories just make him the perfect man! I loved this. thanks so much! wow
Joani chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
*fans self* ohhhhh my. I loved how you wrote this; sensitive and cute. I love reading your stuff!
Justicerocks chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
Oh my gosh! This was so hot! I just loved it! :) It took me awhile to realize it was M but then I didn't really care.
arielYG chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
Probably the best post Eagle Two fic I have ever read. This was so wonderful! I loved their talk, and how you put the ice cream bits there so it's a continuation in your world and how I was so jealous of those people watching them kiss! If I were them I would so ogle at my OTP and probably get arrested. The scene at her house- HMMM. Loved how Sam was so... perfect. GAH I love him so much. Gotta thank Trish that we got this great fic to read!

Oh, and your word count, 6,699. My OCD strikes. But then I realized it's a pretty number. 6,699.
Tirsh chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
Thank you so so much for my birthday story! I am so honoured that you would make the sacrifice of watching that terrible scene over and over and over again to get it just right :)
So apparently Sam was perfect from the very beginning. Love this so much - so many great moments from start to finish! Loved her trying to rationalize letting him go and trying to rationalize keeping him - and him being so, so sure. cocky bastard :) Tell your head to shut up! LOVE!
And the rest - so hot and sweet and sexy and loving and perfect. And really - is it too much for all of us to ask to have our very own Sam?
I hope you're happy - Eagle Two will never be the same! thanks again - such an awesome birthday story!