Reviews for The Last King
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
How did Bardock get into Kento's pod if it had already launched? Does he know 'Instant Transmition'?
Stephan D chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
Hey, this was pretty good. I finished reading this right after the story, 'Bardock, the Saiyan Savior' and there's some definite improvement. I'm not saying the other story was bad or anything, it's just when it came to plot and emotion (for the reader), this one was better. Good job with this :)
Kagetoworld chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
Good one. I'll read the next story. I'll wonder what'll happen next.
DarknessWolf30 chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
A fight between Raditz anbd Nappa was good encluding where you had Nappa betray King Bardock so he can be king. What I liked was having Bardock fly up to the lookout where Mr. Popo is and have him take care of Kento was a good idea.
Rojoneo chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
I for one loved it (not because two of my OC's were used no sir that would make me shallow) I liked it because it was original. I kind of agree with NewBlood7 you should have extended the fights a bit longer drag it out a bit but then again with really and I mean REALLY! Strong enemies they don't all the time like to drag out fights some like it quick and easy like that just blow the guy up and move on. So overall I loved it can't wait for the next one to come out if you plan for a third story that is. So keep on writing don't let imagination die and live life to the fullest!
Coin of Light and Darkness chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
What can I say? It's a good fic. I just wish that Vegeta was the Last King instead.

(Rolls eyes), I don't hate it, don't say things like that on your fics. How about saying, thanks to my beta for fixing this for me instead.
NewBlood7 chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
I think the story was okay. Again it seemed rushed. One of my criticisms would have to be that the whole Cold family was killed in a few seconds. The Cold family was very strong...I mean do you know how long it took to just kill Frieza? I'm also not a huge fan of fan characters. I think the fan characters are good (they don't seem like typical horrible OCs) but I'm kinda not into that stuff. It seems like you have good ideas and I would like to see what else you come up with. ;)