Reviews for Last Chance
Teddy bear 007 chapter 4 . 7/1/2015
Hey this is pretty good :D
Kennayil chapter 4 . 9/8/2014
I've added to my Follows in the hopes that you will be inspired to continue. Lots of ideas on "when" Raven comes from spring to mind. Especially after she announces she's from Korriban.
Regin chapter 4 . 2/10/2014
I Like, I Lust, I Love!Please Update Soon!
SerendipityAEY chapter 4 . 7/6/2013
She saves him, and he saves her! I love it :D And now they can help each other recover! (With cuddling?)

I really enjoy your descriptions, they put me in the moment, in her head - danger descending like a bird of prey, the acceleration of the bike pressing her against his chest, Obi so bright that the darkness can't get through, etc. They give the story a voice.

And I *love* the physical descriptions, the way different parts of his body are touching her, the rumble of his voice, he's warm and solid, the tickle of his mustache...oh so good! Thank you for including those :D

I like her attitude, her vibrancy - the giggle, the talking back, even despite her darkness, and her growing need to want to be near him, with him. Very nice. How I wish she crawled Into bed to hold him! But those things take time, I know! So nice to see Obi with someone, I am really looking forward to more! Thanks for sharing :)
Brightknight chapter 4 . 7/3/2013
This is so good - Raven, an academy of unknown forcesensitives, the attraction between them. New, Intriguing and very exciting
QueenYoda chapter 4 . 7/2/2013
Is she Dooku's daughter? Sidious? I think Dooku. And she has a crush on Obi-wan. Who can blame her? Don't we all? Short chapters, but good material. I would suggest, yet, a bit more detail. More expression and description. You can never write too much, and there is an endless amount to tell, especially with a plotline like this. Keep working at it.
QueenYoda chapter 3 . 7/2/2013
You're doing well at making it mysterious. I get the feeling Raven might be a some sort of Sith apprentice, that or a type of force user neither Sith nor Jedi. Maybe related to vader in some way. I look forward to Obi-wan's rescue.
QueenYoda chapter 2 . 7/2/2013
It is good to see Obi-wan has a friend in his lonely exile, and I already approve of Raven. Academy of healing? Hmm...
QueenYoda chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
Interesting. Very interesting.
LiaLao chapter 4 . 7/2/2013
Hurray! You're starting to update more often! Loved the chapter and I'm excited for the next!
SerendipityAEY chapter 3 . 6/20/2013
I love the way that she lets the more confident self assured woman she knows she has inside of her just take over. She's vulnerable, and she needs some tlc, a lot of tlc (Obi tlc ) but she has strength too and it shines through in this moment. It gives the character strength and it's very easy to relate too! Great character development.

I love how she takes care of him, yes!, and wants to take him home straight away (alone time!) :D

I really liked the descriptions - the moonlight and the darkness, the wind and her feeling something, though she's not sure what. So mysterious and it draws me right into the story.

Cliffhanger! Oh that doesn't look good. Back off, that's Obi's girl now! Even if they don't know it. I have some thoughts about Raven... But I love the mystery. So looking forward to more! Can't wait!
Brightknight chapter 2 . 6/14/2013
Very interesting and new. Would like more
SerendipityAEY chapter 2 . 5/29/2013
Great! Really enjoyed reading this again :D I really like the way Raven and Obi are so naturally comfortable with each other even though Raven wants to be wary and I'm sure Obi does as well. They can help each other, I think, so they were meant to be together here and that is drawing them together. It's really lovely to read.

Love the mystery surrounding Raven - with the device and her memory loss and her advanced healing skills! Great intriguing story! Looking forward to more, as always.
jitzu chapter 2 . 5/3/2013
this would be a very good idea for a spin off movie about Obi post ROTS
Regin chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
I Love, I Like, I Lust!Please Update Soon!
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