Reviews for Slipping the Collar
Arwenien chapter 20 . 9/1
A shame it's discontinued. I love your depiction of Loki. I always imagined him as a person who takes advantage whenever and wherever he can, do whatever he wants, has no shame whatsoever, and generally is a litte shit having fun just because :D I can imagine him taking advantage of Jane as long as Jane's body reactions give him a pretext. Plus, he's hot as hell when he is so controlling, so sure of himself and completely debauched. I would have loved to read more fics with him like that. That doesn't mean forcing someone, but just him being Loki both outside and inside bedroom :D
sarlaccdinner chapter 18 . 6/30/2019
you're my hero

this is how I've always wanted Loki to be written. this is so wonderfully dirty. I don't know if I have ever blushed while reading before.

Guest chapter 20 . 1/4/2018
I am not okay this needs to be updated now omg I'm in love
Karma chapter 10 . 12/28/2017
I'm sorry but what kind of sick, repulsive work is this? This is not erotica nor normal porn people watch. No it's not BDSM either. You need consent for that.
This is nothing but rape and psychological torture. Loki is a legendary Marvel character and you've reduced him to a common psychotic rapist. You are, without a doubt, one of the worst writers I have come across.
Please do the world a favor and stop spewing such disgusting, twisted crap and parading it as "fanfiction" or "erotica". Better yet, admit yourself in a mental institution. You need it.
BookWorm chapter 3 . 11/26/2017
This is complete crap. An insult to Loki's character. He isn't as pathetic and petty as this at all. This is nothing but the writing of horny little shit with twisted fantasies.
Klaatu Visitor chapter 15 . 11/23/2017
When romance story and I have insane crush on Loki, that this story is so compelling I will myself to beam in and take Jane's place, that is the making of an amazingly real story. You helped bring him to life. Thank you!
Guest chapter 11 . 11/13/2017
Too hurried to login. Let's just say if I were Jane I would already have married Loki. Loki is so sexy in the way he talks and loves! I love it!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/1/2017
Too embarrassed to post as me. I read this one chapter and I wouldn't last a day or hour if Loki were real and had me as a captive. I guess it wouldn't be rape since I am just willing cause it is Loki. My first hubby who also dapples in telepathy/astral stuff looks like Loki and is similar to Loki in many uncanny ways. I miss my ex after reading this! DAMN!
lokipowell079 chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
I can see Jane and Loki inevitably marrying and visiting Midgard. The first hint was her confession if enjoying him when intoxicated. Too many other romantic responses not to indicate a bonding and her secretly falling in love with him.
What is the sequel to Slipping the Collar?
dreambear43 chapter 20 . 10/6/2017
Let me just say...Wow! Yes very dark but with so much feels by the end. The plot is also very and intriguing. Any chance you'll continue this awesome fic? Here is a hug to persuade you..:mhmm: please please :)
Klaatu Visitor chapter 20 . 10/6/2017
I enjoy how you left it to the readers imaginatiin. This story cane alive and felt real in uncanny ways. In a lot of ways it reminded me of a war love story
I believe Jane will desire Loki as he continues to shed his arrogance as was so well illustrated in the story after what will be obviously a visit to Asgard to help Jane recover and he will we'd her on Midgard.
I have rarely seen such amazing writing. You btought these charaxters to life. Well done!
Chiafun chapter 20 . 9/27/2017
oh oh what will loki do? bring her to Asgard so she can heal?
please continue this, im desperate to know what will happen
Chiafun chapter 16 . 9/27/2017
ohh this breaking my heart. i wish Jane will love the baby even she hates the father
Chiafun chapter 12 . 9/27/2017
woohoo Jane is fight back!
you go girl!
Chiafun chapter 10 . 9/26/2017
aarkkhh i want to slap Loki so hard for humiliated and hurt Jane that far!
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