Reviews for The Pressing Future
feelzyfeelz chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
I was not expecting my feelz to be so brutally shaken around like this. Thanks! Good fic!
SupernovaWolf chapter 1 . 4/26/2016
This is a really good look into how Donnie might have started learning medical care for his family. I can just imagine all the nightmares the poor little guy had. :(
CelandineGranger chapter 1 . 9/16/2015
This was so sad and sweet at the same time. Poor Donnie really does have to grow up too early. They all do, really, but perhaps Donnie and Leo the most because of the situations they are forced to deal with. You did a great job with this!
SewerSurfin chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
This was so perfectly Donatello...and those last two lines were excellent!
celadongirl chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
I truly enjoy seeing how responsible Donatello must be even at a young age. It really shows how much weight each person carries on their shoulder. You did a good job showing how each person interacts with each other. Overall it is a good story!
GirlforGod99 chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
love it.
Flynne chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
I just found this story, and I'm so glad I did! Very well written, and very powerful. I loved the bit near the end where Splinter is close to Don but his "mind is too far from him". The blend of intelligence (Don's desire to for medical knowledge) and innocence (the fact that he doesn't understand why Splinter wouldn't want him to learn) is just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing this!
weirdsib chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
WHY didn't I read this SOONER!? Translation: This was a wonderful oneshot full of great emotions and expressions that really told a lot about the characters. I like the immense concern that you give both Splinter and Donatello and how you show it in different ways with each of them, which differentiates them. This leads to great character development and an even more gripping oneshot. I'm always impressed with your TMNT stories. Great job!
Rivenchu chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
D: This story it just... it... awww... is the only thing I can bring up to describe my feelings. ;-; 3 Thanks for writing, I liked it a lot.
OneWiththeChi chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Adorable fanfic, one that is very family oriented. I love it.
ElephantEyes chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
That was an amazing one-shot! I haven't read a good Turtle fic in a while and this was refreshing - Very well written and I really got the sense of the distress from Donnie.
I loved it - Good ol' Donnie )
ZathuraRoy chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
:' omg... speechless...
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
Very nice. I love this new series also.
Peechy-Keen chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
This was very cute. ) I was a bit of a skeptic of the new 2012 series at first, but I must say they've won me over! So far it hasn't disappointed me in the least. And I love Don, so this fic wins me over. _

It's well-written. You obviously put effort into this, and it shows in the quality that's produced. There are some things I'd nit-pick here and there as I read, but they were mostly grammar/spelling errors, which are easily remedied.

I also liked how you allowed Splinter to show some tenderness as a father in here. :3 I feel you don't see enough of it on screen, and it's definitely there. It probably just comes out in the little private moments he has with them like it does here.

My two favorite lines in this:

"Splinter nods, leaning down to hug his brilliant son, who reaches so far for his age; who Splinter fears will grow too quickly."

"Splinter ignores the hot pain in his chest. Donatello ignores the cold stone in his stomach."

They're both brilliantly worded! Good job on this. )

The Magnetic Witch chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
Aw... It's true—Donnie is under appreciated by his brothers in the new series, not including Mikey, he obviously thanks him, at least, and Donatello is SO smart, or to quote S
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