Reviews for The Assassin and The Princess
Pikachu47 chapter 40 . 4/28
Well, this story is good, but not that good compared to your other stories. If you ask me I say this story is not better than FTLOP. I think the main reason is in the first halve of the story. the first half of the story is filled with fast pacing, typical boring characters and there is not much things that make it interesting. In FTLOP we got a new interesting character which created an intriguing story, even the ending was kind of weird but that was still interesting. But to it's credit the story still have some interesting things like the lore of the spirit, which is an amazing concept, some heartwarming moments and some awesome fight scenes, but it's mostly in the second half. A good story but I probably won't read this again like your other stories. But who knows you might give us something like Forest of no Light in the sequel.
Pikachu47 chapter 22 . 4/16
David: Developments! out of nowhere character developments!
I can't believe I had to wait half of this story to get a decent chapter. Well this is the place this story is starting to get better. Although everything is kinda fell rushed. Like David, all this would matched so perfectly if David show some clues in the beginning it would've make him more interesting, but now it feels like it came out of nowhere.
But just like said this story is really started to become interesting. The pacing is much slower, the characters getting more intriguing and many stuff are also improving. The scourge and the underworld demon curse thing is creative and i kind of excited to know where is this going.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/20
Hey I am back, sorry I couldn't follow this story, anyway. It wasn't that bad, Jango's backstory was interesting. But only thing I really hate is David. Seriously, every time he came to the story he is like:
David: Hi I am the bad guy I want to date the princess
He is not like the other characters, we don't really know anything about him. He just a guy who is here for just only make the hero look cooler. He also don't have a well constructed personallity, he sometimes bad and sometimes an idiot. The characters like these just bad for the story. We need to known about him even though he a side antagonist.
And the relationship between Cromo and Jango, they just became friends like that? But I thing I can let that one slide. And one thing, why do I have a strange feeling that the fire monster sounds exactly like Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy?
Yondu: what the hell you doing boy!
Pikachu47 chapter 6 . 1/27
Ok, which era this takes place the past or present ? It's not like I hate it or something but it is kind of confusing if there is a place where there's a castel, king, Princess and in the other side we got a mall and games? It's look like combination of Robin hood and Zootopia.
Pikachu47 chapter 3 . 1/22
How a 15 year old charmeleon take down a hariyama? I hope you got an answer for this. And also it would be a lot cooler if Xatu said the sentence before the light appear and he disappeared. I hope it is jango's one of his personality traits that not caring about anything that much or pretty sure he never gonna sleep after happening something weird like that.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/22
Amanda is a princess right? But she act like a typical teenage girl. Wow I am surprised how this action fic turned into an episode of a family drama series. By the which era this story takes place?
Pikachu47 chapter 1 . 1/22
Well I didn't review any of your fics, so i going to start with this anyway. This is not my favourite fic but it still fun to read. The starting isn't bad, we got a guy who stole the name from How to Train Your Dragon 2 and killed a hariyama. It's a better start.
Jwkdm90kd chapter 29 . 3/4/2019

*Sniffs* This was just beautiful. Everything, to Jango getting a beat down by Inferno while and losing everyone’s trust, as his big secret is revealed at the same time. To the horrifying part were Jango is held captive by the Mad Doctor. To the part where Jango just wants to commit suicide, seeing the destruction and blames himself for. And so many more, like the part where the orphanage was burned down, killing INFANTS.

But, despite a very depressing, dark, and hopeless finally. At the last chapters. Everything seems to be coming back to our characters, only to have one of the most satisfying endings I have ever seen in my life.

This story deserves all the praise it has gotten and my god. I can’t fucking wait for the sequel to come out.

This story is easily up there with some of my other beloved fanfics. You're a true legend man.
Fiery chapter 23 . 2/13/2019
Oh for fuck sake, i was typing up that review. Curse that "Send" button below!
Jwkdm90kd chapter 23 . 2/13/2019
Poor Scourge, he was just corrupted all because of his shitty brother. The last cha
Jwkdm90kd chapter 22 . 2/11/2019
Oh my, such an intense chapter. Probably the most heart pumping one I've seen from any fanfiction.
Jwkdm90kd chapter 16 . 1/31/2019
Jango Fett only beat Terry Berry cus he had his eyes closed ;)
Jwkdm90kd chapter 13 . 12/31/2018
After reading about 13 chapters of this fanfiction. I can safely say that this fanfiction has definitely amazed in terms of story. From what I gathered, the main theme of this fanfiction seems to be about the loss of others. Nearly everyone in the story has lost someone or has seen their loved ones go through horrible torment and pain. It's very sad, while beautiful at the same time. Don't get me started on Jango. He has lost and went through so much torture in his life. Losing his mother and father, being forced to kill people, only to be known as the most feared assassin, not to mention that, if Amanda finds out, he's fucked.

I've just been enjoying the hell out of this story and I'm keen to read more in the morning!
Jwkdm90kd chapter 3 . 12/30/2018
At last, we finally meet our main character... oh wait, he was Draco? XD. I also thought the Hariyana was Draco lmao, oh how confused a reader can be with their first time reading XD, but hey, it's kind of the magic of reading. The next chapters seem very promising and may lead to one of my favorite stories.
Jwkdm90kd chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
Getting some time to read. I could finally start reading some of the stories that you created. And finally, I found a story that focused on a Charmeleon (its been a year since I read a story that had Charmeleon as the main/one of the main characters lol). Anyways, enough blabbering and for me to start my review!

I'm gonna start off by saying that the length of the first chapter is pretty good. I hope the rest of the chapters are a bit longer afterwards, but if they're the size of chapter 1, then that's fine by me.

So... so far, the story has introduced to three characters. The Assassin, a Zangoose, and a Hariyama named Draco. And at the very end, Draco get brutally murdered by the so-called "Assassin" that has been wanted throughout basically the entire world, plus, given the fact that the "Assassin" is raising our main character sounds very interesting to see where things go off from here. My best guess will be that Jango will constantly be putting his over the line to save the love of his life, that is the princess, given by the summary.

Alright, time to see the next chapters that are awaiting to be read. Besh wishes to you!
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