Reviews for The Blue Box
DreamsWishesReality chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
I would really like to know what happens next. Please update soon! :D
PhoenixLoveStory chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
I liked it! Very good for your first in the fandom. I know you said it may only be a oneshot, but I would be very happy if you decided to continue it! :)
AKs-on-show chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
I really like this! Your OC companions are great (that's so hard to find, but I love it when I do-I think that the show, at its best, has never really been about the Doctor so much as the people travelling with him), but I feel like you introduced the Doctor too quickly... even the way you did here. Something about it just felt so sudden and a little out of place... everything is so well thought out though, your characters and your setting, that I'm sure you'll tie it up nicely. Geronimo!