Reviews for New-U
OutBlack chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
You must be an oracle :o You guessed perfectly what is revealed about Angel's childhood un bl3. Well done :D
dcatpuppet chapter 19 . 4/6/2019
What a great way to end the chapter! Everyone mostly going their separate ways but adventure and excitement would await them.

1. I really loved this story, but my favorite part had to be Zer0 explaining the history of the Eridians and his backstory, since in canon, that info is never explained. Also the chapter that explained how Gaige ended up on Pandora, since it gave me an idea on what happened.

2. My least favorite part...I'm not really certain. I enjoyed pretty much all of the story.

3. I would've liked to see how Krieg would've played into the story, but considering the timing of your writing and posting this, I think it was before his character was released, so it makes sense why he was left out. I would've liked to see the POV of Mordecai and Brick more, to get their two cents on the situation and what they were both thinking about Angel being alive, Roland being dead, and Handsome Jack's fate.

4. I think you characterized Angel pretty well. How she was saddened when she thought Zer0 was going to abandon her after she removed his mask and her being conflicted about killing Jack when the moment came seemed to fit how she would think.

5. Your chapters were pretty decent lengths.

6. Some authors have done a pattern with the chapter titles of their stories. It's cool how you attempted to do it with starting each title with the letter R and eventually just having them all end in -ing. The pattern was the first thing I noticed when I was reading this story.

All in all it was a pretty good story and I'll enjoy any future works you'll do for this fandom or any original content you have planned.
dcatpuppet chapter 18 . 4/5/2019
Handsome Jack finally got what he deserved. At long last. The punishment he's receiving seems a little extreme, but it fits, what with all the horrible things he had done.

And the Doctor was Dr. Wastryn, your original character. I should've realized that he'd be important, since he was given a name. I'm glad to know that he really wanted to help Angel.

Now to read what the Vault Hunters will do now. And Tina is going to meet her new parents! That'll be exciting!
dcatpuppet chapter 17 . 4/4/2019
So Zer0 decided to head up to Helios just when Axton, Maya, Salvador, and Gaige were leaving. What bad timing for Zer0.

And Angel was alive, thankfully and it appears that Jeffrey Blake was the spy! Never would've suspected him.

Angel and Zer0 finally reuniting was pretty good, and how Helios met it's end was awesome!

Now to read more to figure what happened to Jack on Eden-6 and who this Doctor is.
dcatpuppet chapter 16 . 4/3/2019
Really interesting chapter. The aftermath of the fight with Jack.

Of course Zer0 would set out on his own to find Angel. I just hope he'll succeed.

And Axton, Salvador, Maya and Gaige setting out to Helios to find Jack and Angel as well will be just as interesting.

Figures Axton would be a little weirded out about Tina having a stalker as a pet, but I'm glad he didn't try to shoot it.

I'm still trying to figure out who this Doctor is, but I imagine you'll reveal that soon.

I'll look forward to reading the next chapter!
dcatpuppet chapter 15 . 3/31/2019
So is it a Siren thing to hug someone they thought was dead so tightly that they're almost unable to breathe? Cause I find that kind of amusing. It figures that Angel's idea of punishing Jack would be to put him through what he put her through. Too bad that didn't work out.

And now Zer0's face is revealed to the other Vault Hunters, much to his chagrin and dislike. You know, what with the Vault Hunters being on an alien planet, you'd think seeing an alien person wouldn't freak them out. But it's pretty standard reactions since they've never seen his face and probably assumed he was human.

Your idea on how Jack got his facial scar is a very logical theory, since I imagine he was looked down on by the higher-ups of Hyperion before he took power. And if other people in Hyperion are as screwed up as he is, of course they'd go as far as branding him.

And Angel killing him with her powers was very brilliant. Pity that he didn't actually die, though I'm sure that the Vault Hunters will find him and end him for good.

As for who the Doctor is and whether Angel will survive, I'll have to read the next chapter.
dcatpuppet chapter 14 . 3/30/2019
The Warrior battle was executed pretty nicely. I could definitely see Zer0 being the one to figure out how to defeat it, since like he said, all monsters have a particular pattern in the way they fight.

Angel being conflicted about whether Handsome Jack deserved to die is a pretty natural thing to think, even if he treated her so terribly for 10 years, he was still her father and punishment by death doesn't always fit the crimes. Now if she's going to be the one to kill him is very questionable.

There are 5 more chapters left to look at so I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops.
dcatpuppet chapter 13 . 3/29/2019
And now the chaotic action really commences! It figures that Angel would be the one to hack the security door after Claptrap's screw-ups. I found Claptrap's rant about Jack when he saw the stairs funny, but I did feel a little bad for laughing cause he just wanted to help the others. At least Angel attempted to comfort him a little.

And then the part with the barge and Angel rushing to help Brick and Mordecai was pretty awesome. Pity about the volunteer though. Now onto the fight with Jack! ...unless the fight with the constructor bot is going to happen next?

Looking forward to the next chapter! Hey, have you seen the trailer for Borderlands 3? It looks awesome!
dcatpuppet chapter 12 . 3/27/2019
Oh, so it was a stalker Tina found, not a skag. Oh well, I hope she'll enjoy her new pet.

The stern woman Gaige was wondering who the name of was Helena right? It's a shame to learn that she was one of the victims of Jack's attack on New Haven. And talking to her dad was just the motivator that would allow Gaige to want to help the vault hunters in their fight against Jack. And I can definitely see Scooter being interested in how Deathtrap works so he could incorporate it into a car, which would be awesome!

I'm still trying to figure out the identity of the spy, but now I'm starting to think that he's an original character you came up with? If that's not true, maybe I'll find out once I read more.

And now I'm starting to feel like you're going for a Zer0/Angel relationship here, which is pretty cool. And him telling Angel he'd protect her was very sweet. But if you didn't mean it to be romantic, it's still nice to see them interact.

I look forward to reading more!
dcatpuppet chapter 11 . 3/26/2019
Axton and Maya reflecting on their pasts and thinking about the new situation their in was very interesting. Axton not really too terrified of the chance of death due to his time in the military, and Maya thinking about her original reason for coming to Pandora after escaping the Order.

Mordecai and Salvador being drinking buddies is definitely something I can picture, and Mordecai being confident that everyone will get out of this alive seems pretty in character for him.

And I'm guessing the creature we see the point of view of in the last section is of a skag, who happens to come across Tina and befriend her.

I look forward to reading more of this story!
dcatpuppet chapter 10 . 3/26/2019
I wonder who the man that was talking to Lilith was, because I don't recall him being in the game.

God, I remember fighting Saturn! That mission was hell for me! I died a whole lot!

And you've incorporated the "Get to know Jack" ECHO recorders into the story, or one of them at least.

And the New-U Stations are offline, so everyone is at risk for death now, which could mean big trouble for the Vault Hunters.

I look forward to reading more of the story!
dcatpuppet chapter 9 . 3/24/2019
It's good to know that Angel was nice enough to comfort Tina over her loss, and even nicer of Gaige to arrange to have her parents adopt Tina into the family! They'll love their new pyrotechnic daughter!

Salvador's jump made me snicker. I would've burst out laughing but it's the middle of the night where I am and I didn't want to risk waking anyone up.

And Salvador and Axton attempting to steal Zer0's clothes to force him to reveal what he looks like sounds like the type of thing those guys would do. And Angel getting a little embarrassed about just seeing Zer0 in his boxers is a very funny thing to imagine.

Can't wait to read more!
dcatpuppet chapter 8 . 3/24/2019
So that's where Gaige ended up! She befriended Tiny Tina! And now Tina has learned of Roland's passing, and like any kid that learns that a dear family member or friend died, she is sad, furious and stunned about it.

This brings me back to the ending scene in Assault on Dragon Keep where we see how devastated Tina really was about Roland's death, which affected her the most out of everyone because, like you said, he was the closest to family that she ever had.

And it's interesting to see what Gaige's parents are doing throughout this story, and I can definitely picture Gaige getting her knack for robots from her mother.

I wonder which Vault Hunter is going to be the one that kills him/herself for that one quest...

Looking forward to the next chapter!
dcatpuppet chapter 7 . 3/23/2019
Tannis rambling about Angel's siren powers and the teleportaton systems is pretty in character for her, and her getting annoyed when Maya dragged Angel away in the middle of her lecture was spot on too.

And we finally see Mordecai in this story! He's my favorite Borderlands character overall. Him hallucinating while drunk seems like something that would happen to him, especially since rak ale is supposed to be like moonshine, which I heard is some pretty trippy stuff.

Good to know that my theory on Axton being in love with Maya in this story was correct, and Angel teasing him about it was funny.

And now Tiny Tina is going to come into the story soon! She was my favorite NPC from Borderlands 2. I have a lot of favorite Borderlands characters...

I look forward to reading the next chapter!
dcatpuppet chapter 6 . 3/23/2019
God, I hated Dave! You wrote him pretty well. Then again, writing misogynistic rednecks isn't too difficult.

Also, it was nice of Angel to protect that little stalker from Dave, and he got just what he deserved for trying to kill it. I only wonder why the stalkers didn't immediately go for her, since she was closest.

And now Angel had made it to Sanctuary, and Maya got to see that she was alive.

I look forward to reading the next chapter!
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