Reviews for Of Wine and Water
piccolabimba chapter 33 . 6/11
What a journey! I really enjoyed your depiction of this relationship and the epilogue fit perfectly. Thank you!
Unseen Watcher chapter 33 . 1/14/2019
An epic. I had a wistful thought of a chapter when they meet again, but I realized that it's been done a lot before. Here's to the hands that reach out. Thank you.
Rori77 chapter 33 . 8/8/2018
This is a stunning story and I can tell that I will read it again. Often.
The way you write Hiko and Kenshin together... It is beautiful. And you give us something precious: a Hiko who loves Kenshin and is proud of him, but, even more important, a Kenshin who is aware of it. For this, I thank you.
And also for sharing your creation with us.
Murasahki-chan chapter 25 . 5/9/2018
Loved Hiko being disgusted with himself for having *feelings,* arrgh! Perfect voicing!
Murasahki-chan chapter 21 . 5/9/2018
About the live blade sword being heavier than what Kenshin's used to. . .no. A katana really doesn't weight that much-about 2 lbs/1 kilo-and a bokken weighs almost exactly the same, maybe a bit more. Rather than a katana being heavier and clumsier to wield, the steel sword is rather more lively, well-balanced and lighter when one has been using a bokken. The whole fanon idea that bokkenlight and easy to use and katanaheavy and clumsy irritates me no end, and I'm sure that other idaidoka feel the same way.

On the positive side, Hiko working Kenshin until he get its right is very, very in character for any good sensei, so kudos for that!
Queen Emily the Diligent chapter 33 . 4/22/2018
I’ve read this before but I’m crying after reading it again. Hiko will look after Kenshin’s family for as long as he lives and will forever dote on Kenji.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/9/2018
Nearly halfway through the story and I thought I'd let you know how much I deeply enjoy your portrayal of Hiko. Although I did think he wasn't as arrogant as seen in the anime for example, we need to remember that his personality in the anime was after Kenshin abandoned training to fight in a cause he was explicitly told not to. And then fucked themselves up beyond repair. It's worth noting that Hiko only imparted the final Mitsurugi attack after trusting Kenshin to have his epiphany - an epiphany that had everything to do with Kenshin himself and not the training or Hiko. So there definitely are some paternal feelings involved.

Besides, I'm certain Hiko wouldn't have picked a child to be his apprentice without understanding that he'd have to nurture the child first. And given how much he obviously cares for adult Kenshin's well-being, though he doesn't show it, he most likely treated child Kenshin as well as any guardian would.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
Already teared up reading the first chapter and I have 32 chapters to go! Someone hold my emotions while I push through.
nitokiri chapter 32 . 5/10/2017
Also thought I should add that I'm really happy that you didn't end with the seisouhen "kenshin dumps his family forever" interpretation. Hated that ova and thought it was ooc.
nitokiri chapter 33 . 5/10/2017
I'm sad but also kind of happy I didn't find this fic until today. Its so refreshing to read a really great kenshin fanfic that I haven't read be free . I loved your balance btween stern hiko and caring hiko, I think this was a really thoughtful and realistic fic And I can tell the care you put into making this fic so great really paid off .
Heartkreuz18 chapter 33 . 3/21/2017
I loved your story!
le.pechi chapter 33 . 1/4/2017
Oh hi.
I thought it would be good on my mind to just write some things before reality wakes again and forbids me to do so.
Well, as it's obvious, I've read your fanfic.
The moment I saw the summary, I thought I could give it a shot, although I was not looking for something deep, only one shots and general things about my otp -and the reason why I got here in this fandom- while I was relaxing my brain for the tests from college.
I was so bad I couldn't sleep well (sometimes not even a wink), and my sleep-deprived state was clear on my results.
Well, maybe reading something would help...
Now, I'm addicted. No thanks to you.
I saw your story, put away in one of the many tabs on mozilla, and I decided I would give it a shot.
Why did I do this?
And why I'm telling all of this to you? Maybe I wanna drag you to the sarcastic way life leads me.
(btw, English's not my native language, I'm apologizing in advance)
The first chap, well, already got me subconsciously. When I realized that, I was already at the 8th chap.
Ah, Life, this little son of a-
Well, life goes on, and I had to forcefully drag myself from my notebook to go back to study again, the promise in my mind to return here as soon as I finished studying.
Looking back, that was the fastest time I've spent on studying.
One of my exams was yesterday, and I hope I went well enough. (Look at the date of my review. LOOK AT THAT. Yes. I had a test on freaking January 3rd)
I have another one tomorrow, but I knew that I couldn't study if I didn't finish reading this fic.
Thank heavens tomorrow is the practice one, only to tell what parasite is on the microscope and the reasons why (thank my professors making things difficult. Before I only had to write what parasite it was, but because the guy is a little paranoid, he changed his style and now we have to justify our answers as well).
So, my mind is waking up again, and I need to recover for my previous results. Nothing serious, but it's better to reach for every point that I can get.
So, as last thought. I'm DEFINITELY going to re-read this fic.
A lot.
Maybe not the last few chaps. (I came here looking for some fun, and all I got is the tears marking their way in my keyboard...)
When vacation is in, and maybe even before, I will re-read this fic.
And not just once.
Times to times, I'll revisit you.
This fic is unique, and it got me deprived of my awareness of time passing.
You're very talented, I will give you that.
So, I'll make my way back to studies, the books are waiting for me.
Thank you for writing this fic.
Who knows, maybe someday, when I re-read this, I'll put a review in every chap, telling my opinion in them all.
If you want, of course. I'm only a vet student drowning in tests, in a country far away from yours.
And maybe I'll even end up liking parasites when I pass this module.
Haha. As if.
Well, see ya in the future!

Keep writing!
~may the winds of inspiration never cease to blow in your mind~
littlemsstrawberry chapter 33 . 9/24/2016
Love it! I love home hiko raises kenshin
Guest chapter 31 . 8/28/2016
Oh! Different scene than canon! But I like this better!
Guest chapter 18 . 8/28/2016
Just the most warming and adorable scene ever. As usual, best part is nothing is ever OOC about the two. Oh heck, I'll take this from over canon any day!
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