Reviews for Rewritten Promise
DeathySophia chapter 32 . 6/19/2016
I thought I reviewed this already...
Demi is back! ;O Oh it sure will be fun for them! This Sloane, I like her already haha. Looking forward to find out what their relationship is with Ike!
Makoto Raiku chapter 1 . 6/4/2016
I think you should include Ponygon!
DeathySophia chapter 31 . 5/23/2016
RIP their relationship. I thought Caleb would have had better reason. Poor Eve, although her actions kinda annoyed me. Well, not really "kinda". Poor Sundance. I was hoping she would get better as time pass by, but you said otherwise in the AN xD But that makes it more intriguing. What could you have in store I wonder...

That part about changing element! I would never have thought of that! That is a gamechanger. A brilliant idea, but also very dangerous. Just thinking about some kid wishing to have Clear Note's ability gives me shivers... On other note, Arc 2 is greatly anticipated! :)
DeathySophia chapter 30 . 5/14/2016
Omg the feels... The sand came flying into my eyes... Not. But seriously, Caleb couldn't have meant what he said! He better have a good reason for that!
The next chapter is greatly awaited~

PS: Are you still accepting characters?
Prince Gray chapter 29 . 5/3/2016
Ah, so Eve wasn't home when Kana died! Unfortunate that Ike would kick his young daughter onto the streets, but alas Eve survived thanks to Caleb. Can't wait to see the rest and I wonder if Ike will have Vivi in RP, guess I'll have to keep reading to find out!

Prince Gray chapter 28 . 4/30/2016
Finally we get the long awaited backstory of Eve and Caleb's relationship. As I read this, I thought back to the flashbacks I did for Grace and Slash's relationship about 4 years ago. (lol kinda depressing I've been working on IR for that long but oh well) I am eager to see where things went south and how Ike kicked Eve out. Also, I wonder if Eve's mother is still alive at that poi t in time. Update soon!

Prince Gray chapter 27 . 4/29/2016
Eve is in for a rude awakening, she gotta learn that this isn't a game and that she is going to have to hurt people if she wants Sundance to become king. Thankfully Ophelia's reign of terror is over and I'm interested to see what happens with Caleb going forward. I can also see that Sundance isn't going to have some nice words for Eve when they get a time to talk!

Also glad that the others also managed to win their fight as well. I can't wait to see how you bring everybody together to discuss the aftermath.

Prince Gray chapter 24 . 1/17/2016
Eve needs to get it together or she's going to be a liability. I'm not sure how the others are going to beat Lulubell but they better keep bringing they a-game. Keep the updates coming!
Gray-sama chapter 23 . 12/20/2015
I called it! I knew Lulubell was going to burn somebody's book! Eve managed to catch up with Caleb but she's being selfish and its all going to blow up in her face eventually. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

Prince Gray chapter 22 . 12/11/2015
I'm wondering if they will catch up to Caleb and Ophelia before they leave. If not, there's always next time I suppose. Also I honestly think Lulubell is my favorite character in this story, there's just something oddly likable about her. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody in that 3 on 1 fight gets their book burned.

I know what you mean about the ending, it took me two years to figure out how Iron Revolution is going to end, but it's an ending I'm satisfied with and will hopefully get to within the next 30-40 years. Lol The amazing thing about figuring out your ending, is that it makes the rest of the story a LOT easier to write. Looking forward to the next chapter soon!

Gray-sama chapter 17 . 12/31/2013
Good to see you're back to writing. I was getting bored being the only one on the archive actively updating. I'm not logged in on my phone but whatever.

Ophelia has the upper hand on Sundance for now but he has a plan so I anticipate that won't be for long. I wonder if the others are going to plan there own rescue mission since its now noticed that Eve and Sundance are missing. Eve hates Caleb now that he has officially crossed the Moral Even Horizon ( Im always thinking in TV Trope terms)

Looking forward to what you have planned for 2014! Hope to see another chapter from you soon

SoulSavior71 chapter 16 . 8/24/2013
Geez! This story gets no love, but from now on I'll review no matter how bloody tired I am XD I'll see ya next chapter bye
Prince Gray chapter 16 . 8/21/2013
How did I miss this?

Hell of a job with Lulubell (name rolls off the tongue in good way) she's my favorite antagonist so far.

I like how Eve is seemingly on the verge of a emotional breakdown, I mentioned this before but it feels that even though I know a lot about her, I still don't know her. Her character is quite complex and wants me to read more in order to get to understand her better. I'm anticipating the oncoming climax and seeing Eve and Sundance reach a new limit.

I feel your pain regarding writer meltdowns, I accidentally deleted my outline/manuscript and had to spend the next few hours rewriting the damn thing which surprisingly didn't take as long as I thought but I believe that's because I already know where I want to go with things.

Looking forward to your next chapter!
Wandering dude 1 chapter 2 . 8/15/2013
Fuuma travels around the world to visit different orphanages, and help out.
Wandering dude 1 chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
Book-Keeper Name: Fuuma Clover

gender: female

Age: 17

Looks: fair skin complexion, 5 feet 6 inches in height, has heterochromic eyes ( a red left eye and yellow right eye), short wavy brown hair

Typical Attire: she wears a plaid blue vest over a black dress shirt, knee length plaid blue skirt, white leggings, gray Mary Jane shoes.

Personality: mature, intelligent, helpful, caring, motherly

History (about three sentences is fine.): A young girl who lives and works in an orphanage after her family died in a car accident. Fuuma treats everybody like family there. Fuuma travels around the world

Other: likes: kids, being with friends, working in the orphanage, traveling; dislikes: destruction, the orphanage being destroyed or shut down.

Mamodo Name: Superbia

Element: snake

gender: female

Age: 14

Looks: pale skin, 5 feet 4 inches in height, yellow snake like eyes, waist white hair tied into a loose bun with bangs framing her faces

Typical Attire:She wears a purple Chinese-style tabard with various Trigrams over a pale pink Western-style dress and brown lace up combat boots

Personality: childish, mostly sadistic, kind, friendly, sometimes blunt and sarcastic

History: Superbia was nicknamed the "snake girl" back in the mamodo world, but the only one didn't was her brother Cubia. One day, Cubia came down with an incurable disease, and couldn't fight. Superbia participated in mamodo battles in his place, and find something to cure his illness.

Hebi- eject snakes from their wrist or sleeve, usually after a punching motion. It can inflict multiple poisonous wounds on the opponents' body, or hold them in place.
Heshield- a dome of snakes coil around the bookreader and demon, and protect them from attacks.
Heran- paralyzes the foe by showing them a vision of their own gruesome death. In addition to the paralysis, the enemy is overwhelmed with fear, and will no doubt suffer severe mental stress.
Heboshi-allows the user to materialise a new body — typically by regurgitating it from their mouth — in a manner that somewhat resembles how a snake sheds its skin. After emerging, the user's clothing and injuries are completely restored, with even amputated limbs being regenerated.
Hezao- reguritauing a double-edged sword from her mouth
Hewre- used when Hezao is active.a technique that allows the user to levitate the sword and attack foes at mid-range. The blade will move according to the Superbia's finger movements.
Heryota- summons a giant three headed snake from her mouth, very powerful
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