Reviews for Wake Up
Adelled chapter 9 . 12/18/2017
Nineish months to update? More like ninesh years. Canon schmanon. I want to read Abby/McGee. Thanks for writing.
gela1 chapter 9 . 9/9/2013
Looking forward to see more of this story!
Spitfire303 chapter 9 . 9/8/2013
it algood we forgive you :-)
mcgeeksgirl chapter 9 . 9/8/2013
Great story..glad you are continuing. Please update 't wait to see what happens next !
Ladyaloysius chapter 8 . 4/15/2013
You write well and I love how you are plotting this one!
blackcat252 chapter 8 . 1/14/2013
Great chapter. I hope to see more soon.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/24/2012
Really enjoying your story. New chapter soon please?
Disappearing Pucca chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
It says that you are watching NCSI in order, can you please tell me where? I need to catch up.
Spitfire303 chapter 8 . 12/11/2012
yess the nightmare will return unfortantley :(
like the new twists
Ruby chapter 8 . 12/2/2012
I will have to find some words to describe the chapter. As I am left quite wordless after another beautiful chapter of this story. But I'll try...

The chapter begins with a really romantic moment. I love when one part of a couple watches the other sleep. I find it really cute, and romantic, and just...
But the moment is over too soon, as there's a twist! And I really did not see this one coming at this moment.

And McGee trying to protect Abby, telling her to hide. Love that.

Getting a mental image of "he [McGee] slowly slid his hands down her arms until both her hands rested in his" moment. And the hand holding right after that.

I love little details like that. It might sound cliches to some, but forehead/hairline kisses, hand holding, hugs, looks, and all those little innocent details are some of my favourite parts of romance fan fics.

As interesting as the case sounds, I am more eagerly waiting for the little McAbby moments, and for the case to be solved. So that McAbby could continue their vacation. And I wonder if we'll even read about their life once they're back home after the vacation.

Basically...this story is one of the reasons the lack of McAbby scenes (not even romantic scenes, just scenes) seems more bearable. *Hugs*
OtterBatch chapter 8 . 11/28/2012
Wow, love the twist, update soon! Jx :)
Ruby chapter 7 . 11/18/2012
Things I liked:
- Abby ordering food also for McGee - and SPICY food.
- Abby's friend, Emmet, telling McGee that he has nothing to worry about - Abby is "his"
- Emmet giving Tim good advice about ordering some milk to go with the spicy food Abby ordered
- Abby not taking no for an answer, when inviting Tim to dance
- the slow dance, and them swaying to the music
- both of them blushing...
- Tim kissing Abby...just because of the magic of the moment...

Loved that Tim felt jealousy, when he saw Abby dancing with another man - her childhood best friend, Alec. And the other friend noticing this, and calming him down. Telling he's got nothing to worry about. Except perhaps a few questions about his intentions with Abby. In most stories it's always Abby's "dad"(Gibbs), who makes sure Tim would never hurt Abby - his little girl, but you had her best friend - "brother" - be that person in this story. Loved that part.

I loved how you described how much fun they were having at the club, dancing. And how such small moment made Tim fall in love with Abby even more. I loved how you added that. And of course how they both blushed, because they both knew what they felt...

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Cannot wait for the next chapter! I wanna read what else the cutest, sweetest, smartest, most beautiful couple will do on their vacation. And after... (?)
Ruby chapter 7 . 11/14/2012
One word review: PERFECTION. (longer one later)
Spitfire303 chapter 7 . 11/14/2012
:) nice it is really good
scubagurl22 chapter 7 . 11/14/2012
Great chapter and loved the food descriptions lol. But yea you're Tim stepping up is great, looking forward to more.
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