Reviews for Melting Away
soulsborne123 chapter 4 . 5/3/2017
sorry for spamming, but for real, reading this felt like reading the novel translations. I'm half beginning to really think you might be Ono-sensei in disguise with how well you captured their characters! One thing I'm still confused about is that elevator scene, when Jun asks them if they ever eat at home and Mai panicked because if they were found out, it'll all be over. What did that mean? Does Jun not know they are married? or what? I wished you would consider continuing this story line, but things happen
soulsborne123 chapter 2 . 5/3/2017
I'm just rereading this again and gosh, Naru is so funny. Making Mai his chauffer, making her do all the work... it's so like him!
Naruisawesome chapter 4 . 1/20/2013
At the part 'Jun started to look a little smug and Mai panicked. If the boy found out, it was all over for them. Naru coughed as he entered the elevator that had opened right that moment.' ...If he found out what? And where's Lin and everyone else? *sigh* So many questions running through my mind! Lol.

Please update real soon! :)
brizingr chapter 4 . 12/10/2012
Update soon (゚゚) totally hooked!
Married life of mai x naru..
But lack of their friends... :'(
Where is lin? xD
Make their comeback! LOL
Ferb O. Oche chapter 4 . 11/20/2012
I really had a great time reading your story! And I think I'm starting to like Jun. Hope you update soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! Ooohhhh! I'm gonna check that link out! Yey! chapter 4 . 11/1/2012
nice ..
Amthyst chapter 4 . 11/1/2012
I liked this chapter, and yes it answered all of my questions. Is Jun Naru's cousin or something of that sort? That whole succession thing that you mentioned in one of the older chapters seems to give clues as to what the underlying plot may be. But I could be wrong as well.
I'll be looking forward to the next breather chapter, and can't wait to see who they are spending time with. Hope you get to update super-fast on this one as well.
What's with the 'eating at home' thing? I'm curious about this.
Anyway, I can't actually believe that you're taking the time to translate the White Heart series. I admit, it got me all excited to see that. I'm checking your link out for sure. I just hope that they hurry up with the manga-update of it. From how things are looking, I'm expecting to see the next chapter in December.
Good Luck!
Amthyst chapter 3 . 10/30/2012
To be honest, I'm confused as to the developments in this chapter. I guess that I should wait for the third installment of this case, since everything has not yet been explained. Was Mariya Kamiyama a spirit of one of the bodies found on the plot? Did she visit SPR in spirit form? Who is that new employee that Naru dislikes so much - does he have the hots for his wife? These are rhetorical questions, of course. I'm sure I'll get my answers in the future.
However, I liked this chapter. Basically because it showed intimacy between Naru and Mai, and I enjoyed that a lot. Just keep them going like this. I've said it before and I'll say it now: your way of portrayal is very realistic, and I can see stuff like this happening in real life. The relationship between Naru and Mai is also very believable, and I'm glad that you made them out as imperfect together. Since they are so different from each other, it is to be expected that conflict will reign between them even though they may be happily married. They both still need to learn a lot of things regarding each other.
Here's hoping that things get cleared up in the next installment. I'm actually looking forward to reading the story from the third-perspective - even though you wrote Naru beautifully.
I'm looking forward to your super-fast update.
melodyann75 chapter 3 . 10/30/2012
smiles I liked it:) thank you for updating. though at times I think Naru should remember to be better to Mai who is his wife. or perhaps he needs to be reminded of the fact that others like Mai just as grin.I liked it tho just felt bad for Mai and I didn't really get it til the end when u explained about the money. Then I kind of got I hope XD Please update again soon:)
melodyann75 chapter 2 . 10/5/2012
Awww Naru needs to lighten up and realize that if he dont he might lose natural to want to hugs ur partner espeically ina stange house.. hesa meany head lol. but smiles so far so good. Please update:)
Midnightrose613 chapter 2 . 10/4/2012
This is sooo good! Can't wait for more!
Ariana Taniyama chapter 2 . 10/3/2012
Very interesting case and I'm very much enjoying your take on Naru and Mai and their interactions. Well done.
Amthyst chapter 2 . 10/3/2012
Good chapter. I'm particularly excited for the case. It sounds pretty interesting.
I'm also hoping you're going to write about their honeymoon, and I wouldn't say no to some kissing, either.
I'll be looking forward to the next chapter.
RaisedOnRadio chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
I really liked this. Very well written, and they seemed very in character.
Amthyst chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
This was quite unexpected. You've developed both of them wonderfully, and I very enjoyed.
In terms of maturity, it is spot-on, and Naru sharing what he felt with Mai didn't seem out of place since they're married and all. The realism was also there, and I did not feel for an instant that this was taking some-place in a different world.
I'll be looking forward to the next chapter.