Reviews for On Sleepless Roads
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
very sweet
ZoeyOlivia chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Fucking adorable
ksouza3 chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
I really liked how you delved deep into George's emotions with this fic. I think the way you portrayed the characters and the point in both of their lives to come together is perfect. Thanks for writing!
arlene56 chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
I liked this one. The way they came together was beautiful, though sort of sad. I'm glad they were able to comfort each other. You made the same observations about George that I did; he was more reserved while Fred was more spontaneous. I always assumed George's sense of humor was slightly different than Fred's too. Anyway, fun story. Thanks for sharing.
HerMindIsElseWhere chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Ah! That was brilliant! You captured and developed George's character so well, and Hermoine's too. I especially liked the way Hermoine described him, separate from his connection to Fred. It was really just excellent all around.
dogisms chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
Aww they're so cute, and just fixing eachother... I love Percy's intervention. You make him like-able.
Doubletheweiird chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
moor chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
I love how sweet & fluffy this is! I admit it is heavy at the beginning, but I think you did a good job showing just how lonely Hermione & George each were on their own, and how they find things more peaceful/pleasant just being with each other. _ There's a kind of innocence to it.

Thank you for sharing!
summerful21 chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
Awwww...that was lovely. It's so nice to see a Gemione that's not sexy!slutty!hermione or evil!cheating!ron. It was so sweet, and the grief was very realistic.
soubifan700 chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww:) I really hope there will be a sequel!? Maybe see how their relationship progresses? This is my all time favorie pairing and Thank you for writing such a wonderful story about them!
MeriLynelle chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
I loved that story!
I never really cared much for George with Hermione, but you made it work so well!
I loved the setting and your characterization! It's always so realistic :). I can so see this happening!
The two of them were/are so cute together and I really liked that you added some "conflict" after they had sex that night, because it would be unrealistic for them if they were just a happy couple after that.
I liked that Hermione of all people could make George happy and talked with him about Fred :). (also the note that their romance/the thing between them was different from Harry/Ginny and Bill/Fleur was nice and so true and the "blegh" and "gag" in brackets :D was cute somehow)
Really a veeery lovely story again, that left me feeling all warm and happy!
Shan84 chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
*steps out of Tomione tag and brushes self off*

Phew, now that I'm here, I might as well review...

My first George/Hermione fic! wowee look at me!

I really, really enjoyed reading this! It was so sweet and even though it was a one shot, I still felt that you gave the characters depth and I immediately understood them and their backgrounds.

I thought you did really well describing George's grief. And yeah, I'm not much of a Fred and George expert, but I do recall that George was a bit more serious... well that was my impression anyway.

I felt bad for Hermione! but it all worked out in the end ;) I was shocked that Ron ended up Luna. For some reason, until you revealed, I thought it would have been Lavender (my mind in cliches again).

I always enjoy the small, subtle details you include with your stories. It always gives them so much more depth and endears your characters to the reader. And it's not in a flowery way, either. If that makes sense.

Anyway, thanks for sharing :)

wingedmercury chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
Squeee. I just died of cuteness. Now you know I'm not an uber HP fan, but that disclaimer aside, I feel like you really captured George's voice here, and it was absolutely charming. I find with love stories it is sometimes a fine line between cheese and overkill; you, my dear, did neither. This read very well, with ample bits of humor and sadness, and in the end felt quite sumptuous. I truly loved this piece. It flowed very well and was artful:) Also, kinky elevator sex: 'nough said.

And you published another fic, which I must read when i am less zonked. On to bed! Much love to you:)
SamarKanda chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
The story was way to good, it is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read, it was very romantic without being clichè.
And the reaction of George over fred's dead is always something so melancholic, that made the other things less sad.
I really enjoyed reading it
My favorite part is when George finds the sketch done by Fred, and the memories that flow back to him
See you around.
NorthernLights25 chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
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