Reviews for In the Bosom of Family
susancollins522 chapter 34 . 5/31
Very good story hope you come back and continue
lilkathra chapter 8 . 5/22
well he would not have to punish you if you did not decide to go topless for the whole world to see
lilkathra chapter 31 . 2/7
what happen to the dog that ana got
lilkathra chapter 28 . 2/7
god you can't just go out and buy a dog because your hormonal and you should plan with your partner if and when you should get a dog for dogs are a lot of work and you have to have time to spend with them and lot of people end up giving away pet when they have a baby cuz they don't have time for the pets that they have and ana really needs to be a little more respectful to christian how would she feel if she has to replace he piano she would not like that much cuz pianos are not cheep and it's not christians dog for he did not help her decide on getting of the dog
lilkathra chapter 25 . 2/7
now that he's giving ana all the fat fucking food that she want cuz if he doesn't he's a he's a heartless fucker in really she dose not really care for her baby if all she want's to eat is fat food that is very unhealthy for both of them but she has to have it,why is it that it always the men's fault why can't he realize that she being a fucking bitch that need to start being better to her husband and maybe be better mom by not just eating mcdonald's and ben and jerry's though out the pregnancy if she keeps eating like this she's gonna do a lot of harm to her and the baby
lilkathra chapter 24 . 2/7
im with christian on this she look fat for not looking after her or her baby by eating fast food every day pregnant or not dose not mean you eat what ever you please and being a bitch to him for wanting what's best for your's and baby health
lilkathra chapter 23 . 2/7
she being a bitch being horny or not he can't drop everything just do what you want nor was he messing with a pregnant women
lilkathra chapter 5 . 2/7
ya he had every right to punished a bitch that show the world her tits cuz she was too stupid to think that now that she married a multibillionaire that she will have paparazzi all over the place unless she is a bitch that dose not mind if the the whole world see her naked
lilkathra chapter 4 . 2/7
why did you marry him if you can not understand that he's gonna be flowed and your not a nobody anymore where you can run a round half naked and no one will take picture and plaster them all over magazines now your pissed cuz he punished you cuz you where a stupid girl
lilkathra chapter 3 . 2/7
what you expect your married to a multibillionaire and you though it was a good idea to go topless when you should have keep the bikini top on cuz now your all over being a fucking bitch to him cuz you were not thinking about paparazzi were lurking about and made the news for being topless
lilkathra chapter 2 . 2/7
and that is why kate is not really your friend
Steflo310 chapter 34 . 1/26
CLHB chapter 34 . 11/23/2019
Great story! I hope you continue.
fundays chapter 34 . 8/14/2019
I hope you come back & finish this story. I don't know how I've missed this story before but I love it. The majority of this story is freaking hilarious!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/24/2019
LOL. There's no such thing as "platinum silver." Those are two different metals.
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