Reviews for Two Slaves
supersolanea chapter 19 . 7/7/2018
Are you still there? I know it's been a long time, but I just discovered it. I was just wondering if we could chat a bit. Sorry, english is not my language.
innerurge1 chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
oh, and I just noticed that it doesn't look like you've marked this as completed. Some folks filter on that, so you might wanna do that, just to make sure people who don't like the endless waits for updates don't overlook this very strong story. :)
innerurge1 chapter 19 . 1/10/2017
I have to admit that this story surprised me. First off, I guess I'm just a perv, because I was taking slave story in totally the sexy slave kind of way. It took me a few chapters to sort of really get into the story, but I couldn't sleep last night and just kept reading (as if that ever helps). Before I knew it, I was drawn completely in and just couldn't put it down until about 5AM. Not a great morning there after, but that's because I'm weak.

I finished it up this afternoon, and thought that it was a wonderful read and was glad that I gave it shot, despite my first skeptical glance. I found that, even in the AU, most the characters were pretty true to their basic personalities and sadly, could totally see this being a real thing in some dystopian Trump ruled universe... oh shit, that's a thing now. Sorry, politics. Anyway, thanks for updating this one so it floated back up to the top of the list. If I can't have Cam/House then Wilson/House is always my favorite second choice. :) (they are the bestest gay couple)
Visitkarte chapter 19 . 12/24/2016
Thank you for doing this. Dark times ahead- I am so happy your story had such a beautiful happy ending.
MissBates chapter 19 . 12/21/2016
I wonder how long it would take to adjust to life in freedom if one has been a slave since childhood. On a more abstract level I wonder what future generations will make of our way of life. . .

Wilson helping people like that 'because he can' — that sums up Wilson's greatest strength and his greatest weakness. But House is there to make sure that Wilson isn't sucked dry by others' needs. Love the call-back to canon: they really have changed the world for the better.
OldSFfan chapter 19 . 12/21/2016
Wonderful, positive ending. Thank you for the epilogue.
CacauHousemaniaca chapter 19 . 12/21/2016
I loved reading your story.
You write very well
Beautiful ending
But it was not easy to be a slave to be a free person
thank you for writing
In loved!
HousesHead13 chapter 18 . 9/13/2013
"You knew I was a human being," he said mildly. "You were a slave." James shook his head. There was no point trying to get Foreman to understand. "Please get out of my way, sir."Foreman took a step to one side and James went past him. SO FUCKING PERFECT

NO NO NO NO SUCH A PERFECT STORY! God I just couldn t stop reading was harsh but with a beautiful happy ending, I Know I am being a pain in the ass but this story REALLY needs a would be an slave AU with Wilson and House as free person! House is more a slave than a free person...I really wonder how he would act being free...jeez he doesn t know how to be free.. I would love to see them living together but as a drama story...Greg should be really traumatized...But also it would be amazing to read about Cuddy going to her knees to beg Greg to work in the hospital...I also imagined a lot some scenes with Greg being humillated and abused by a bunch of stupid rich kids when he was in medical school with Cuddy...that would be a nice one shot...!

Jesus I am becoming a fucking dark person! Why am I enjoying reading this Universe? Something must be wrong!

Love you! Keep on writing, always!
HousesHead13 chapter 11 . 9/12/2013
Okey I am reading this one...I am enjoying it so far...I was thinking, have you ever thought as a punishment for slaves, something like "slaves fights"? As there are sons of a bitchs that makes animals fights, slaves fights would be really awesome (well... fun to read...really sick actually ) I was thinking about a scene where Wilson and House are having sex or some something like that and they are caught they are obligued to fight with free and slaves spectators and all to avoid some more terrible punishment for each, for example beaing sold or a moth in a cage or something...what do you think?
jossujb chapter 18 . 6/26/2013
Oh dear... the biggest thing right now on my mind is thank god this was a finished fic, I would have been torture to wait new update. I haven't read much slave-fics, even though I'm a grim sor of person in general. t's probably because the subject is kinda hard to write realistic enough not to be ridiculous, but not too macabre to loose it's appeal as a sort of power/loss of power fantasy. Plus I think that an happy ending on these things are rare, I mean, happy on a sense that freedom is the good solution in this scenario. Or maybe I've read wrong type of slave-fic before, I'm not terribly interested to read a fic that depicts slavery even in a most fictional way as something... I dunno, desirable? In this you always kept that theme that none of this is fun, none of the slaves secretly "like to be punished", so it was really pleasure to read for omeone who just enjoys stories of great suffer with great prices.

Gosh, I'm not sure am I making any sense here. I feel like it's sort of pontless to review how realistic or not this sort of scenario is or go too deep in actual social issues, when these sort of fics are usually written for speacial sort of entertainment, not as a realistic portrayal of any ideals or views or anyhow. So i might be a very hypocritical for me to diss other slavefics for whatever flavors they have, but I can definitely say that I enjoyed this one especially because it wasn't too comfortable. The slave-socety wasn't depicted as something that can't be changed or particularly good in any ways, so to me it felt more real and I got my sort of sick fix from reading how Jimmy and Greg are trying to survive in this world sort of the way a human being would.

All and all, yeah, liked it a lot. Greg was definitely recognizable as House indeed, one of the probem with AU fics is that changing the enviroment doesn't always do favor to the characters... well, maybe someone could argue that Cuddy and Foreman were a bit easy to antagonize as "evil slaveowners", even if they weren't particularly super evil like Vogler. But I didn't at least feel their side of the story that understandable in emotional level, but then again, James' payback as a freeman wouldn't have tasted nearly as sweet if Foreman and Cuddy were somehow shown to be nicer people before. It just felt really good to see them cut the chains literally, and become free from this literal oppression... I guess that was sort of simple and black and white resolution, but I think you wrote enough greys to make the story flow and feel natural. It maybe wasn't the grittiest and heaviest or most challenging story of the subject, but indeed entertainable and finey crafted to the point.

Seriously, I need to stop babbling, before I say something wasy stupid, if I haven't already.
Guest chapter 18 . 3/26/2013
should continue with this story at least epilogue
Visitkarte chapter 18 . 3/8/2013
Aww, sweet!

I would so love a follow up to this, Greg gaining hid medical license, teaching Jemes along, them making their own practice, maybe bying a poor slave sod and treating him in a decent manner...

I love this "new" universe!
HoneyandChai chapter 18 . 3/7/2013
Wow! What a way to end a good story. I'm happy Greg and James are finally free and are together (insert cutsie noise I know you this is the end of the story, but will there be an epilogue? I do want to know what happened to them.
Flatpickluvr chapter 18 . 3/7/2013
BLACKMAIL! Oh, that was juicy, and what a great turn of events! Love it!
OldSFfan chapter 18 . 3/7/2013
Wonderful end for the two of them. It's exactly what I'd hoped for, except, of course, for Wilson to regain his practice. But a mind wipe is a mind wipe. I love how Greg is uncertain despite the joy of the moment.
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