Reviews for Simply Amazing
Animefangirl95 chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
NO HINATA DON'T FALL FOR IT! Oh my goodness0.0 HE IS A HORN DOG! Gosh, he doesn't love you! Why'd you leave Gaara! You perverted little piece of unfaithful woman!

Jeez, have women no sense of loyalty?!
Cascade00 chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
That broke my heart! She left Gaara! Gaara! Him of all people! It's so hard to chose between Sasuke and Gaara! I just love the both of them with Hinata! Why didn't you put her with Naruto cause then I could laugh and yes Sasuke wins Hinata. But nooooooo! It was Gaara and I was like Gaara your to so sweet to let her go why was it you that she went out with! Anyways neverthe less loved the sequel!
snowkatl chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
WAHH I feel sorry for garra-kun! SINCE I ship both gaahina and sasuhina! :'(
Koala Bear-kun chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
sasukehorndog LOL! XP

poor gaara-kun! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;
my heart was torn reading this cuz honestly i love gaahina and sasuhina...*sobs*

all in all, sasuhina is meant for each other...the only argument i'd have for gaara NOT to be w/ hina and for her to be with sasu-san IS THAT GAARA HAS NO FREAKING EYEBROWS!

but i LOVE THIS ONE-SHOT! plzz make more one-shots w/ hinata!?
Shiori Kanasuke chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
poor Gaara...i feel bad because i'm torn between gaahina and sasuhina. :(

BUT...overall this was a very AWESOME fic, sasuke-san is so desperate...

SASUHINA! they're meant for each other,and I can't understand why Kishimoto is so blind to realize it! .
kandita chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
I am fairly disappointed with this...I think that she knew that he was after her body but then age just had to fall for him...she should have stand her ground like she did prior she's lost someone who genuinely wanted her
animeminnie chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
I was to lazy to login. But anyways...

Damn you! Breaking gaaras heart. Soulless witch.


I just like sasuhina and gaarahina, right know their a tie so it hurts me to see gaara broken hearted . Shit I thin if gaara won Hinata's love I would cry too since sasuke didn't win.

I liked the story and the 1st part called lucky ...
Saki-Hime chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
Aww so sad yet so nice at the same time. Very good.
addicted.series.fiction chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
What should I say? I guess the title sums up everything tht I think of! SIMPLY AMAZING! I dnt knw y I got disgusted by Sasuke's thoughts at the beginning. Maybe because it was a bit too horny but when he confessed I realised tht he had a heart. The end ws soo adorable! Even though it's soo sad tht she hurt Gaara yet it's cute cuz Sasuke supported her. Will u write another sequel? I think I wnt to knw if they'll brcome BF and GF. Maybe an exploration of their relationship?