Reviews for Taking her there with me
Pea's Mama chapter 9 . 5/25
Honestly one of the best things I have ever read. You took a good story and fleshed it out brilliantly. Please don't let life get in the way of your talent, continue writing. You might even make a go of it professionally.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 9 . 4/28
Owww, so good
Stephyyyy01 chapter 6 . 4/28
Wow! He is such a gentleman:(
Stephyyyy01 chapter 3 . 4/28
Si, algo así me la imaginé a ella.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 2 . 4/28
Poor Margaret xd
Stephyyyy01 chapter 1 . 4/28
Oh mi cielos. Genial
threezoz chapter 9 . 5/20/2019
this is the most thoroughly frustrating and ultimately rewarding thing I've read in a long time. several times, i just stopped and yelled "GODDAMNIT MARGARET!" i know it's not her fault so sometimes it was "GODDAMNIT VICTORIAN ENGLAND!" and I think you did an excellent job, how repressed she is makes perfect sense being the daughter of a clergyman.
thank you for writing it.
Babelvr54 chapter 6 . 11/28/2018
Repressed British people are repressed. I’m so glad to be alive in this era, don’t think I could deal with the whole ‘think of England’ attitude towards sex. Great job with this story I’ve read it multiple times.
librocubicularist93 chapter 9 . 10/25/2018
"His heart soars with sweet victory." BOY MINE DID TOO. Good job, John. haha

Oh mannnn this was wonderful. It was *beautiful*. And so, so, touching. The adoration and love they have for each other is palpable. They way John explained how he loves "Mrs. Thornton" and Margaret was so perfect, it made my heart melt. I won't keep blabbering, but I just want you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed this. You are a brilliant writer. Thank you for writing this.
librocubicularist93 chapter 8 . 10/25/2018
"He wants to know that the relentless desire that he feels for her is matched by her own, that he is not the only one suffering from this...madness." Ugh. Love it.

I was not expecting that at the end haha. Clever, John.
librocubicularist93 chapter 7 . 10/25/2018
I just love John's gentle teasing!
librocubicularist93 chapter 5 . 10/25/2018
So many emotions! Her confusion and his desperation to help and love her is so heartbreaking, ahhh.
librocubicularist93 chapter 3 . 10/25/2018
I am absolutely in love with your John. He's so sweet, concerned, and patient with her, it just makes me want to die from happiness haha.
librocubicularist93 chapter 2 . 10/25/2018
Honestly, I'm just going to keep gushing as I read this whole thing haha. Your writing is so beautiful. Wonderful, wonderful talent. You write both John and Margaret so well, and you pace everything *perfectly.*

My heart absolutely breaks for Margaret, and women who lived during this area who very well may have undergone such a similar experience, even with a man they loved. That Margaret still want to show her husband affection despite believing she shouldn't made my heart both happy and sad?
librocubicularist93 chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
I *adore* this angle you've taken, about how even a woman as headstrong and strong-willed as Margaret would be so completely overwhelmed by something like this in a society where they are taught to be so restrained around the opposite sex. It's so realistic, and you write it so *wonderfully*. And you write John SO perfectly. He so obviously desires her, but he wants her to be comfortable too. That is utterly romantic to read. Gosh, just chapter one and I'm dying already. Love it.
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