Reviews for Too Visible
Sanitylegend chapter 4 . 3/2
I'm scared
Guest chapter 10 . 9/24/2019
Another excellent story; however, shouldn't Sherlock take the originals too? I imagine John wouldn't want Dr. Stapleton to use them in any form.
Derpidot chapter 10 . 3/9/2019
These stories are terrific no matter how many times i read them is always enjoyable
aaeiilnn chapter 10 . 11/4/2018
I read the invisible series all offline and they were all wonderful and everything but this particular one really stood out to me. A lot of these parts were great and the characters were so freaking amazing.

John getting past Sherlock? I almost cried. John getting experimented on? Almost cried there too. The moment where John admitted a minute of doubt in Sherlock? Pretty sure i cried there but idk idk hahaha,,,

but I really loved that specific moment because usually it was John's loyalty being (wrongly) doubted because Sherlock is a lot to handle,, this is so freaking amazing and you did so well on it
aaeiilnn chapter 10 . 11/4/2018
I read the invisible series all offline and they were all wonderful and everything but this particular one really stood out to me. A lot of these parts were great and the characters were so freaking amazing.

John getting past Sherlock? I almost cried. John getting experimented on? Almost cried there too. The moment where John admitted a minute of doubt in Sherlock? Pretty sure i cried there but idk idk hahaha,,,

but I really loved that specific moment because usually it was John's loyalty being (wrongly) doubted because Sherlock is a lot to handle,, this is so freaking amazing and you did so well on it
Kay Hau chapter 10 . 3/27/2018
Whoa! I feel like John, unable to stop flattering Sherlock and inflating his ego! Amazing! It shouldn't be possible, but each part of this series just keeps getting better!
TheRedScreech chapter 10 . 6/25/2017
Ah, the fluff! The camaraderie restored. Sherlock is happy once more.

And now...Moriarty is out. Dun, dun, duuuuun!

Wonderful as always. You elicit and portray such strong emotion. It's commendable and inspiring. I've also adored Sherlock and John as a friendship for years now. You certainly do them justice.
TheRedScreech chapter 6 . 6/25/2017
What have you done to John!?

By the way, that's so cool that he just turned his gift on its head! So cool and so useful but so dangerous! C'mon, Sherlock, your John needs you!
TheRedScreech chapter 2 . 6/25/2017
I love this emotion so much. Sherlock's character study in this chapter is magnificent to behold.
Mysterious Opinionated Person chapter 10 . 6/24/2017
that was amazing! I've always believed people can do anything if they want to enough, John needed to hide from his father, so he became invisible, also is it possible John could use his powers to locate Moriarty, and does Moriarty know about John abilities?
Loved it!
MizzVicki chapter 10 . 1/15/2017
Awesome! !
Guest chapter 10 . 12/2/2016
Eeee! I love it!
jj chapter 10 . 10/23/2016
I love it ... tho i wish that scientist had gotten slapped or something, maybe even shot
TheCauldron chapter 10 . 10/6/2016
Oh wow, this one really got to me. *shivers*
Guest chapter 10 . 8/2/2016
Amazing, amazing story. I absolutely love this AU and I love the parts where you expand on that beautiful friendship that I love so much. I love John.
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