Reviews for Nomads
R.U. Lisnin chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
I think we need more of this :) I've been looking for a good firefly castle crossover and this seems like it could turn into a good one :)
Lady Allana Solo chapter 1 . 9/18/2013
I knew it!
Twisha chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
"What? Course not. Reading's for pussies."
-You have a great Slaughter/Jayne voice!

But this being New York, a flight to Rhode Island would probably be shorter.
-Very true.

Holy nothing. Father, ghost, holy spirit…they might as well be playing cards with the devil right now. Because Slaughter had just played the joker.
-This made me laugh. Great wordplay, and somthing that I can easily imagine Castle thinking.

wishing Slaughter wouldn't bring up Kate's ballistics when he was in the middle of mentally training himself not to notice anymore.
-Poor Castle, he's trying so hard to fall out of love with Beckett at this point. He's failing miserably, but he tries.

"I mean…what more could a man want?"
Sanity? Castle wondered.
-I don't think sanity is particularly important to Slaughter. Poor Castle! This exchange made me laugh.

Not even the revolver and spaceship that kept appearing in his mind.
-Now I'm intrigued! Is Castle Mal with amnesia? I wanna know.

I really like this little one-shot. I wish it were longer. Headhunters was great. It really showcased NF's acting range by showing how Castle interacts with S/J in a very different manner than Mal does. I love Adam Baldwin, he's SO funny. You should write a sequel!
mysticmoon1331 chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
im intriguied by this and would be interested in reading more.